The Enemies of Eternus (Uisge)

Uisge - The Uisige or Each Uisge is a foul-water spirit, that is similar to the kelpie, but far more dangerous. It is formed out of black sludge and magical poison. The Uisge lives in the sea, sea lochs, and fresh water lochs and is a shape-shifter, disguising itself as a fine horse, pony, or handsome man or beautiful woman. If, while in horse form, a man mounts it, he is only safe as long as there is not the merest glimpse or smell of water means. If there is it usually means the end of the rider. When approaching water the each uisge's skin becomes adhesive and the creature immediately goes to the deepest part of the loch with its victim. After the victim drowned, the each uisge tears the victim apart and devours the entire body except for the liver, which floats to the surface. In its human form it is said to appear as a handsome man or beautiful woman, and can be recognized as a Usige only by the water weeds in its hair. Because of this, people are often wary of lone animals and strangers by the waters edge. Along with its human victims, cattle and sheep were also often prey to the each uisge, and it could be lured out of the water by the smell of roasted meat. A blacksmith from Raasay lost his daughter to the Each Uisge. In revenge the blacksmith and his son made a set of large hooks, in a forge they set up by the loch side. They then roasted a sheep and heated the hooks until they were red hot. At last a great mist appeared from the water and the Each Uisge rose from the depths and seized the sheep. The blacksmith and his son rammed the red-hot hooks into its flesh and after a short struggle dispatched it. In the morning there was nothing left of the creature apart from a jelly like substance.