The Enemies of Eternus (Vampire)
Vampire - Vampires are witches that made an unholy blood oath during their life and upon their immediate death they are buried in an unholy grave and in 1 year if they are not disturbed they become a Vampire. Vampires feed off of life force directly, not just by blood, but by murder and other acts of evil so that just being close to acts of death feed their evil frenzy. This causes them to gather their victims in one place before they make the kill to increase the satisfaction of the others and as an offering particularly for their creator, a higher level vampire.
Vampire Spawn - Someone who is dying and then bitten does not become a vampire but they do often become a slave of a vampire and become their spawn if they are not buried in a consecrated grave. A spawn cannot disobey their lord unless that act would gravely harm someone that they deeply love. A spawn can be rescued however is the lord is killed and their grave is consecrated.
Revenant - A revenant vampire is a soulless undead creature created from a person that has died and was buried in an unconsecrated grave and is sought out and reanimated by the vampire. They are rotting shambling corpses that have many of the weaknesses of a traditional vampire. Their thirst for blood is insatiable but unlike their creators they share little interest in the allure of a beautiful woman.
Vampire Weaknesses:
1) Vampires are subject to turning, destruction, or control by evil clerics and other characters who can turn or rebuke undead.
2) Furthermore, a vampire spawn character is destroyed when his hit points fall to 0 or below and she is forced into gaseous form. At that point, if the vampire spawn must return to her coffin within 2 hours, she can rest there and recover.
3) Running water can destroy a vampire outright. It causes 10% damage per round.
4) A vampire cannot abide the smell of garlic. It causes you to be sickened –4 on all rolls if it is within 100’.
5) A vampire cannot stand the sight of a mirror or unholy symbol if it is within 100’. Also –4. This stacks with the garlic if both are present.
6) A vampire cannot enter a home or nonpublic building without a proper invitation.
7) A vampire cannot cross running water without help.
8) A vampire must not have a bag of dirt from their homeland on them or they are unable to heal or sleep and begin to take minuses on all rolls (-1 per day without rest).
9) Silver does double damage to a vampire and causes them pain when touched.
10) Unholy water does 10% damage per splash as running water.