Ancient - Minos (Minotaur Lord):
History - Minos people have a long and rich history that spans back into the beginnings of time. Unfortunately much of that history was lost when the royal libraries were pillaged and robbed during a Minotaur attack several great turns ago.
Origin - King Anax was the King of the Minos people. His brother was Prodotis and unbeknownst to the King he was greatly jealous of his brother and in love with Minos wife Pasiphae. Minos was a wise King and as a reward a white bull was deliverd to him by divine methods. The bull was to be deliverd to the temple where it would be allowed to mate and the prodegy would bring blessings to all the people of the Kingdom. Anax charged his brother with delivery of the bull to the temple. On the way however the brother discovered that the blood of the bull would make a man irresistible to any woman. He slaughtered the bull and drank its blood and returned saying the bull had been delivered. Pasiphae fell under the spell of the brother and soon she was remarried to the brother. The blood however began to transform the brother into a Minotaur, a fierce half bull, half man like creature. The King discovering what his brother had done banished the Minotaur into a huge magical labyrinth he had built. Cursed by the evil of his actions the brother survived for hundreds of years until he became aware of the magic and discovered a way to escape. The Minotaur threatened to destroy the city unless he gave seven young women and men for sacrifice to the Minotaur every nine years. The King refused and the Minotaur left and 30 years later he returned with thousands more Minotaur and rampaged and destroyed most of the city, including the Royal Library. no one is sure where the Minotaurs came from or how more were created, even to this day.