Dress: The Emerald Dragonlords clothes usually feature a single colors with intricate stitched patterns that trace mystical symbols. On less formal occasions the women wear heavy reinforced halters that show their midriff with two criss crossing woven straps across their back and colorful silk cloaks worn to one side. They wear skirts slit up the side with long riding boots and often wear jem encrusted jewelry, particularly bracelets. The men wear woven vests with their family crest on the center of their backs and long flowing silk shirts. They wear breeches with straps that buckle over the knees and at the cuffs over high boots.
Dress, Formal: On formal occasions the women often wear long tight emerald dresses with inlaid jewels and jeweled capes with long entertwined bracelets that come half way up their arms. The men wear green v necked vests over white shirts. Their woven pants are green and are worn with buckled shoes and a thick belt accented with a silver strips.