Medieval Fantasy RPG -

Foods - Deru Elves favor typical Elven fare. Sylvan bread, fresh maze, allspice butter, duck eggs, grape jam, sweet crackers, wild herb omelets, soy kabobs, butter beans, Carmel walnuts, allspice soy links, pan fried soy in garlic sauce, Sylvan peppers, Red mushroom soup with Sylvan spice, Salad with allspice and Deru Flowers, honey herb salad, wild rice, peppered chic peas, corn in allspice, wild pepper beans, wild carrots, fresh broccoli, stewed vegetables in allspice, blue apples, Dragonfruit berries, wild strawberries, and to drink mead, apple juice, grape juice, orange juice, tomato juice, red wine, white wine, green tea, or goats milk and for desert Blue Applesauce, cinnamon twists, cherry pastries, Red Sugar cane, raspberry cookies, strawberry cookies, and Oiolosse berries.

Good meals might be composed of 6 of the following: Sylvan bread, fresh maze, allspice butter, duck eggs, grape jam, sweet crackers, wild herb omelets, soy kabobs, butter beans, Carmel walnuts, allspice soy links, pan fried soy in garlic sauce, Sylvan peppers, Red mushroom soup with Sylvan spice, Salad with allspice and Kagonesti Flowers, honey herb salad, wild rice, peppered chic peas, corn in allspice, wild pepper beans, wild carrots, fresh broccoli, stewed vegetables in allspice, blue apples, Dragonfruit berries, wild strawberries, and to drink mead, apple juice, grape juice, orange juice, tomato juice, red wine, white wine, green tea, or goats milk and for desert Blue Applesauce, cinnamon twists, cherry pastries, Red Sugar cane, raspberry cookies, strawberry cookies, and Oiolosse berries.

1) Salt- (1-10) Found in patches ot 10-40 in the ground. 1application is a days worth per person. It gives +1 to all cooking checks. (5 silver)

2) Sylvan Peppers- (1-20) Very sweet - Can cure fever upset stomach. +2 to cooking. 1 gold each. Make wines loved by Elves and others.

3) Allspice (1-6) Elven delicacy. Highly prized by them +4 on all cooking checks. 1 SD each.

4) Red Sugar Cane - 10 stalks (days) Very delicious. 1 Platinum each. (+3)

5) Sweet leaf- (1-3 grams) Similar to hemp except the plants are small. They are highly potent -4 on all rolls except intelligence. It is +2 1 Platinum each.

6) Silver grass - Crushed up it can purify the most vile food or water and make it edible. (1-4) 1 gold each.

7) White Swan Flowers - a single large white lilly. 3-7 Petals make delicious drink that can cure fevers. 1-10 (5 silver)

8) Fever grass - (1-6) Tastes and looks like allspice but causes fever and delirium (-5 on all rolls ). It lasts one to four days. At the end the person must make a save DC30 or lose one con.

9) Dark Elven Rose - (3-7) Black rose. Thorns produce a poison that can stun (DC35) for one attack and –1 on all rolls for 24 hours. If consumed it can kill. (DC20 +5 per dose) Has a very bitter taste.

10) Sylvan Spice – This beautiful bush has small white and red flowers. The petals make a delicious spice (+10) if properly prepared. Herbalism –10 (1 only) 100 SD.

11) Red Mushrooms- (4-12) Very delicious- they can be boiled down to a thick soup which is an Elven delicacy. (+6)

12) Oiolosse Tree – This small tree has a group of bright red berries and a couple of white berries. Ability Check: Intelligence –10 – The red berries are edible and delicious.

13) Kagonesti Tree (Named after type of Wild elf) - A large round sweet gum tree which has small blue and white flowers and green leaves all over it. Its wood is very pliable and the sweet gum increases strength (1-4 +3 str 100 SD each) The flowers are edible and very delicious. (10-40 1 silver each)

1) Red mushroom soup with Sylvan spice
2) Salad with allspice and Kagonesti Flowers
3) Red Sugar cane
4) Oiolosse berries
5) Sylvan peppers
6) Wild rice
7) Grape jam and sweet crackers

Fried soy with sauteed vegetables. - (+4) 32 iron.
Carrot and potato soup- (+4) 32 iron for a weeks dried and salted or fresh.
Wild Spring Beans - (+4) 32 iron for a weeks dried and salted or fresh.
Vegetable medely. 30 s.d. fresh.

Elves can subsist on any food palatable to humans, although their tastes are generally more discerning. Their preferences are clearly toward delicate foods and wines, particularly those that possess a great degree of subtlety. Heavier foods, such as beef and coarse bread, distress the Elf stomach.

Humans usually find Elven food unsatisfying, for the portions are too small. Elves, of course, require less food than do humans. They very rarely hunt for or make more food than they can eat in a day. However small the portions, the food elves do make is such that the finest human chef blushes in shame at his inadequacy. Indeed, many humans who would be gourmet cooks try to procure an apprenticeship among elves. Those who learn the Elven techniques have a right to boast of their achievements.

Elves tend to be more vegetarian than humans, for this has less of an impact on their environment. When they do eat meat, it is carefully culled from the excess animal population of their area and done in such a way that it doesn't disrupt the land.

Elves almost never keep herd animals. Not only do these creatures take up space that could more properly be forest, animals require almost constant maintenance and feeding. No Elf wants to be saddled with the joyless burden of watching animals eat all day long.

Let the humans rake in the profits to be had from ranching; elves can survive on the fruits of the forest. Besides, elves don't believe in raising animals simply to kill them. That is not nature's way and therefore not the elves' way.

For drink, elves mostly subsist on sparkling waters from cold mountain springs. However, they are not averse to wine and beverages of a similar nature, and many Elf cities and towns cultivate the grapes and grains necessary to the making of such refreshments.

Elves enjoy drinking mead, or fermented honey. This delicate drink agrees well with the Elven palate and gives them a pleasant feeling. Greater quantities act on elves much as alcohol does on humans. Fortunately, elves feel none of the ill effects humans do when drinking this beverage. However, elves are susceptible to human brews such as ale and beer.

Special: The elves favorite drink, however, is nectar created from the juice of flowers, mixed with honey and an additional, secret ingredient. This nectar is of ancient origin and is called feywine. What its secret ingredient might be has long been a mystery to humans, dwarves, and the demi-humans, as well as most elves. Feywine is used liberally at Elven festivals. It induces frivolous behavior, lasting for days or even weeks.

Elves can, however, turn off feywine's effects when necessary (for example, when defending against rampaging orc hordes). Humans, dwarves, and other races are not so lucky. The effects of feywine on these races is much greater than it is on elves, and large quantities can make a human lose all sense of self for months. Too much feywine is the cause behind stories of humans waking after reveling with the elves, only to discover that months have passed since their last memory.

Because of this, elves rarely allow humans to consume feywine. The side effects are simply too great, and consumption only increases enmity against the elves. Any human attending an Elven festival can expect water, mead, or nectar; only when the elves are particularly mischievous or when their judgment is somehow impaired will they allow a human to sample feywine. Since feywine doesn't keep well, elves never carry it on their travels.