Architecture - Deru Elves build their homes in close harmony with the forest, so perfectly concealed that travelers often pass right by them without even noticing. Structures are formed out of natural materials and must be grown over the course of decades unless magic is employed. There are beautiful natural gardens usually with edible foods, stone fountains and special shrines to sacred trees.
Otherworld -
Fair Folk make their homes inside of the Otherworld, a magical land that can only be entered with their permission. The entrances are usually in natural places such as the tops of large trees, in caverns under rolling hills, in Deru burial mounds, or in hidden caverns under the sea, where they use their magic to create soft glimmering portals that lead to large extradimensional spaces connected by magical portals and extradimensional passages. They are often found living with or near Deru but have been known to make communities in extremely remote places as well.