Deru Elven Etiquette

Etiquette - When someone has shown you a great kindness is it customary to answer that kindness with a note of thanks and a small gift such as flower, weapon, or a rare seashell, and return of the favor as soon as possible. Fair Folk take oaths very seriously and never make one unless they are sure that they can keep it. They value loyalty and truth and seek to keep the laws of the land as long as they are just.

When someone sends you an invitation, a gift, or a warning you should send a note of thanks as well. An invitation to a hunt is a great way to show favor if you have enough pull with the local Fairfolk.

Fairfolk like most elves believe that care should be taken when speaking so that you do not overwhelm your listener with to many comments or make them feel awkward by saying too little. Overly negative comments should be delivered carefully and only at an opportune time. Bad news should always be given in private when possible by requesting to speak to the person alone. Arrogant behavior is considered the height of rudeness in Elven society. When a person is invited to visit your home you should always greet them cheerfully, offer them a hot meal and a warm bed in which to sleep. Beds are warmed by placing large stones warmed by the fire in the beds a few minutes before they are used. When you receive an invitation you should send a note to the person either accepting the invitation or apologizing for not being able to attend with a brief explanation of why.

Oaths - Fairfolk take oaths very seriously and never make one unless they are sure that they can keep it. They value loyalty and truth and seek to keep the laws of the land as long as they are just.