Dark Guardian - Dark guardians can look like any race but they all have two features in common, a sacred jewel on their third eye and a sacred symbol on their abdomen both of which appear during their transformation.
Architecture: Dark Eternals architecture features roundish walls or squarish, four-sided walls with flat roofs. They are always built on elevated areas with the front of the structure facing south. They are constructed from rocks, wood, and earth. Walls are usually sloped inwards at 10 degrees making the structures very strong. The houses are spacious and fit in well with their environment. Their floors and ceilings are wooden with horizontal timber beams that are supported by large wooden columns and decorated with intricate wooden ornamentation. The walls are also paneled with wood and the cabinetry is ornately decorated.
Art: The art of the Dark Guardians is deeply religious in nature, a form of sacred art who's creation is a sacred ritual in itself. They favor scroll-paintings that are rectangular in shape and painted with blessed pigments on cotton or linen, and framed in colorful silk broadcades. They feature traditional motifs such as religion, astrology, and sacred shapes that are stared at to help reach enlightenment. Statues and woodblock prints, usually of a religious nature are also a very important part of the culture. Dark Guardian rug making is an ancient art and can be used for anything from flooring to wall hanging to horse saddles.
Capital: Lhasa
Customs: They frequently seek out exotic teachers such as the Tengu or others to train them in their art. They are very respectful to older people and show them the utmost respect and deference. A Khata is a traditional ceremonious scarf given to someone you admire. It symbolizes goodwill, auspiciousness and compassion. It is usually made of silk and white symbolizing the pure heart of the giver. They are give on festive occasions to a host or at weddings, funerals, births, graduations, arrivals and departure of guests or other auspicious times. The Tibetans often with the receiver "Tashi Delek" ( good luck) when presenting the scarf. Sacred stone carvings are presented to parents at the birth of a child.
Dress (Women): Dark Guardian women wear dark-colored long sleeve wrap dresses that come to the ankle over a colorful blouse. They wear their hair long or in a braid wound around their heads and decorated with a complicated pattern of lesser braids which make the whole thing look like a crown. In their left ear they wear a heavy silver ring decorated with a huge ornament of either coral or turquoise. They wear colorful apron like items around their waists if they are married and favor high soft boots.
Formal Dress (Women): On formal occasions they wear elaborate bright colored silk gowns with high collars, and inlayed gems and gold thread work that make patterns that resemble flames. They wear elaborate jeweled crowns with silk drapery.
Dress (Men): Dark Guardian men wear dark-colored vests over woven shirts and pants. They wear their hair short and favor goatees. They favor high soft boots.
Formal Dress (Men): On formal occasions they wear elaborate muted colored silk gowns with pointed shoulders, understated gold thread work with banded sleeves.
Enemies: Dholgyal - Evil spirits that seek to desecrate graves and create powerful undead creatures.
Etiquette: When entering a temple, remove your helmet and shoes. It is okay to come inside while monks are chanting. Sit or stand in the rear, or walk clockwise around the room. Don't make loud noises or touch the murals, sculpture, or items. Do not sit with the soles of your feet facing the altar or any other sacred object or person. If possible donations are appreciated particularly oil which you should carefully pour into the lamps. Follow the lead of others in bowing to various shrines if you feel inspired to do so and do not know the rituals yourself. You can enter any room or area that's not locked including the roof but you should avoid entering the chambers on the roof of the monastery where monks hold sacred rituals unless invited. Dark Guardians in general will not take offense to honest mistakes or accidents. Sacred rituals are important to the culture and one of the best ways to advance.
Visiting: Dark Guardians are warm and hospitable to visitors particularly in their home. Guests should be very well fed, even if you cannot afford it so don't invite visitors or visit someone of meager means unless you are sure that they can afford the visit. When visiting once you are full you should make loud, repeated refusals of excess food or simply press your palms together and bow, asking for their forgiveness. Tea-bowls should always be kept filled, and if the tea gets cold it should be emptied and refilled with fresh tea. You should not refuse tea, although you can ask for a different type, but you can ignore other beverages if you want. All homes should keep separate washbasins for face and feet that are filled with warm water heated over a fire and offered to visitors to allow them to wash up upon arrival or at other appropriate intervals. When visiting bring a souvenir such as a khata or ceremonial silk scarf or other small item particularly one that represents your culture or etc.
Faction Tokens: Tara Amulet
Foods: rice, barley, dough, spicy stew, potatoes, mustard seed, yogurt, butter, cheese, noodles, various vegetables, steamed bread, pastries, steamed dumplings, noodle soup, stir fried vegetables, carrot cake, banana porridge, fried dumplings, jasmine tea, milk tea, butter tea, caramel tea, Chang (beer), Raksi (rice wine),
Goals: Dark Guardians are the Keepers of Tombs and are Guardians against the creation of the undead.
Government: Theocracy
History: Dark Guardians are heroes of any race that died with great guilt or worry on their heart. They summon all of their positive Ki to release one last battle cry which gives them a second chance at life and allowing them to start over again with little or no memory of their past life. They sometimes return to the life they knew before as adventurers but others choose a great many paths. Usually they have no memory of the past but on rare occasions they are called upon to make up for the things they were unable to do in a past life.
Holidays: every new moon and full moon / February 14 - Losar ( New Year) / February 28 - Lamp Festival / March 30 - Magha Puja / April 13-15 - Water Festival / May 27 - Saga Dawa Duchen /
Holy Places: Mt. Kailish / Mount Meru / Lake Manasarovar / Seralung Monastery / Trugo Monastery / Gosul Gompa Monastery / Sacred Falls Hot springs /
Honor: Dark guardians believe in analytic meditation, devotion, following the stages of the path to attain the mind of enlightenment, respect for the truth, restraint, respect for the individual, respect for other religions and cultures, and equal treatment of all of good moral character.
Languages: Common, Sanskrit,
Laws: Similar to the laws of the land
Leader: Choden (Sacred One) Dowa Yangchen
Magic Type: Mantra
Place of Origin: Nirvana
Phrases: Tashi Dele - Hello / Kusu dewo? - how are you? / Thu-chi-che - thank you / Kale Phe - Goodbye (when staying) / Kale Shoo - Goodbye (when leaving) / la ong - Yes, Ok / Gonad - Sorry /
Rituals: Chanting - Dark Eternal rituals almost always involve chanting in Sanskrit. These chants are complex, and are most often recitations of sacred texts or other religious teachings. They are sometimes accompanied with the ringing of a bell.
Symbols: diamond thunderbolt, dorje (sacred symbol), Fire, Earth, Iron, Water, Wood,
Weakness (Enemy Energy Type): Misery
Weapon: Ranseur
PL 1: Racial Weapon (40%) - +10% critical bonuses vs enemy
PL 1: Ambush (Low) +5
PL 1: Alertness (Low) +5
PL 1: Mantra (Substitution) -
PL 1: Limited Tracking (Dholgyal) - 40%
PL 1: Negate Terrain (Low) -
PL 1: Special Mission - +40% influence (Racial) + racial tokens used for rewards and titles -
PL 2: Material Coordination - Racial Armor (Limited) EET (Reduce Weakness) +1 -
PL 3: Free Training - (x2 at Racial Capital) -
PL 4: Warding (Misery) -
PL 5: Favored Terrain (Low) - +5 (max) on ambush and alertness -
PL 5: Activate Racial Totem -
PL 5: Special Mission - +20% influence (Racial) - racial tokens used for rewards and titles - (Reward) Racial Weapon Upgrade (60%)
PL 6: Material Coordination - Racial Armor (Limited) Misery (Reduce Weakness) +2 -
PL 7: Free Training - (x2 at Racial Capital) -
PL 8: Warding (Enemy) -
PL 9: Detect Enemy (Dholgyal) -
PL 9: Special Mission - +8% influence (Racial) - racial tokens used for rewards and titles - (Reward) Racial Weapon Upgrade (68%)
PL 10: Material Coordination - Racial Armor (Limited) Misery (Reduce Weakness) +3
PL 11: Free Training - (x2 at Racial Capital) -
PL 12: Boost Critical (vs Dholgyal) -
PL 13: Use of City Forge - (Free)
PL 13: Special Mission - +8% influence (Racial) - racial tokens used for rewards and titles - (Reward) Racial Weapon Upgrade (76%)
PL 14: Material Coordination - Racial Armor (Limited) Misery (Reduce Weakness) +4
PL 15: Free Training - (x2 at Racial Capital) -
PL 16: Familiar - (Racial Mount) -
PL 17: Title - (Minor)
PL 17: Special Mission - +8% influence (Racial) - racial tokens used for rewards and titles - (Reward) Racial Weapon Upgrade (84%)
PL 18: Craft Architecture (Racial) - Requires work at capital city
PL 19: Material Coordination - Racial Armor (Limited) Misery (Reduce Weakness) +5 PL 20: Free Training - (x2 at Racial Capital) -
Racial Paragon: (Appointed by racial leader) extremely rare
PL 21: Racial Paragon Weapon (Artifact) - +25% critical bonuses vs enemy
PL 21: Favored Plane (Nirvana) - +5 on ambush and alertness
PL 21: Enlightened Though (Substitution) -
PL 21: Quest - +16% influence (Racial) - (Reward) Racial Weapon Upgrade (100%)
PL 21: Divination (Dholgyal) -
PL 21: Title - (Major)
PL 21: Free Training - (x2 at Racial Capital) -
PL 21: Planar Adaptation (Nirvana) -
PL 21: Planar Adaptation (Plane of Misery) -
PL 22: Racial Paragon Pet - ()
PL 22: Material Coordination - Racial Armor (Limited) Pain (Reduce Weakness) +5
PL 23: Unique Power (Instant) -
PL 23: Free Training - (x2 at Racial Capital) -
PL 24: Warding (Pain) - 91%
PL 24: Free Training - (x2 at Racial Capital) -
PL 25: Create Racial Totem (Unique) -
PL 25: Favored Plane (Nirvana) - +5 (max) on ambush and alertness -
PL 25: Free Training x 6 - (x 12 at Racial Capital) -