Humans of Fudokan -
Physical: The typical human of Fudokan is from 5 to 5 1/2 feet tall and 120 to 160 pounds. These stats can vary widely however. Their hair color can be vary from black, brown and occasionally brighter colors, and their eyes are usually brown or auburn.
Architecture: Fudokan architecture is very distinctive and is heavily influenced by their long history and religion. Gardens, houses, artwork, and temples all carry the distinctive mark of the Fudokan style. Ink monochrome paintings are the most popular forms of art and often adorn even the simplest of households. Buildings are designed with both art and function in mind. They feature the iconic curved roofs that come to a sharp peak at the top and a soft peak at the edges, with multiple stories and ornamental stone roofing materials and decorative etchings. Inside buildings typically have wooden floors covered in tatami, or straw mats and feature beautiful simple design featuring expert woodwork. Inner rooms are separated with shoji or sliding doors made of paper inside a wooden frame.
Castle Keeps: The more powerful residents of Fudokan live in large castle keeps known as tenshukaku, that are of five to seven stories and are built on a high foundation of stones. They may be linked to a number of smaller buildings of two or three stories. These keeps are usually the residence of the daimyō and act as a military command post in times of war. While they were beautiful they were also well fortified.
Art: The brush-drawn Fudokan language is a beautiful flowing script that is also acts as functional art. It can sometimes take over one hundred attempts to produce a single character of perfect shape and style worthy to adorn the home or temple. Sumi-e ink paintings are often used as art as well and despite their simple origins can depict beautiful and complex landscapes and other images. Religious statues such as Tathagata, Bodhisattva, Myō-ō, Amitābha, and other religious icons are often added to small shrines inside of or near the home. Ukiyo-e which means "pictures of the floating world" is a style of woodblock prints that make art that adorns most more modest homes.
Capital: Fudokan: Kyoto / Eternus: Kyou
Customs: In the long feudal period governed by the samurai class, some methods that were used to train warriors were developed into well-ordered martial arts, in modern times referred to collectively as Koryū. Examples include Kenjutsu, Kyūdō, Sōjutsu, Jujutsu and Sumo, all of which were established in the Edo period. After the rapid social change in the Meiji Restoration, some martial arts changed to modern sports, Gendai Budō. Judo was developed by Kano Jigoro, who studied some sects of Jujutsu. These sports are still widely practiced in present day Fudokan and other countries.
Dress: Fudokan people typically wear kimonos also known as the naga-gi, meaning "long-wear". Kimonos come in many colors, styles, and sizes. Men wear darker muted colors while women wear brighter pastel colors with abstract or floral patterns. Styles tend to change during the seasons with brighter floral colors being favored during the spring and summer. Tabi socks are the preferred footwear and are designed to be worn with geta, which are sandals mounted on wooden blocks held to the foot by a piece of fabric that is secured between the toes.
A Happi is a straight sleeved coat that is imprinted with the family crest, and is frequently worn by some lower level civil officials.
Formal (Women): On formal occasions the women wear uchikake which is a long silk over garment embellished with birds or flowers using silver and gold thread. They have a very elaborate Obi or sash that is much larger and more colorful than the ones worn by men.
Formal (Men): On formal occasions men wear a simple white gi and a narrow black or decorative Obi with formal Hakama, a type of long flowing leggings that are tied at the waist. They are black and have divided legs similar to trousers but are a bit larger and more flowing. They are secured by four straps and the rear of the garment has a rigid square section called a koshi-ita, which is tucked into the obi and secured. Hakama must always have seven pleats, two on the back and five on the front which represent the seven virtues of bushido, or the warrior way.
Enemies: Obake - Obake are shape shifting creatures that are said to be the ghost of an evil member of the Fudokan race that greatly dishonored himself in life and is doomed to travel the world in agony.
Etiquette: People of Fudokan greet each other by a formal bow. Many people make the mistake of bowing too deeply to people of equal status. When you are bowing to someone of higher social status, a deeper, longer bow indicates respect, but a small head nod is fine for a casual and informal meeting with your peers or people of lesser` status. If the greeting takes place on a tatami (straw covered) floor, and the person is of great importance you should get on your knees in order to bow. It is also common to bow to express thanks, to apologize, to make a request or to ask a favor. People of Fudokan rarely shake hands with each other but are understanding of the cultures of others and will usually shake when offered a hand. If you are invited to dinner and receive drinks, wait before drinking. First someone should make a speech they all will raise their drinks and yell kampai! (cheers). If you have a dinner party you should provide a small wet cloth for guests to wash their hands before eating It should then be carefully folded and set it aside. Do not allow it to touch any part of your face. Slurping noodles or making loud noises while eating is considered polite, to show you are enjoying the meal. You should raise a bowls to your mouth to make it easier to eat with chopsticks, especially with a bowl of rice. Before eating evan a casual snack you should say itadakimasu (I will receive). Chopsticks are thrown away and never reused. You should take off your shoes at the entrance to all homes, businesses and hotels. Usually a rack will be provided to store your shoes, and pair of slippers will be sitting nearby if you forgot to bring a pair of indoor slippers of your own. Fudokan society is focused on the group not the individual. Sento, or neighborhood bathhouses, can be found in even small towns. Onsen, or hot springs, are very popular as places of rest. The bath is used after you have washed and rinsed, and feel like soaking in extra-hot water. The sanctity of the ofuro (bath) is of utmost importance.
Faction Tokens: Scrolls of Dutiful Service
Foods: Edamame Beans, Kaki peanuts, Toriaezu Edamame Beans, Botamochi Beans, Pocky Bread, Pretz Bread, Yan Yan Bread, Calpis Candy, Cubyrop Candy, Ramune Candy, Poifull Candy, Lotte Ghana Chocolate Candy, Kinoko no yama Chocolate Candy, Toppo Chocolate Candy, Kataage Potato, Jagariko, Kara Mucho, Suppa Mucho, Wasabeef, Agemochi Rice, Arare Rice, Bakauke Rice, Daifuku Rice, Dango Rice, Senbei Rice, Botamochi Rice, Sushi, Tempura, Teriyaki,
Government: Feudal
History: The inhabitants of Fudokan experienced a long period of isolation until the arrival of "The Black Ships" of Eternus many great turns ago.
Holidays: February 3: The Bean Throwing Festival (Setsubun) / March 21: Spring Equinox Day (Shunbun-no-hi) / July 7: Star Festival (Tanabata) / August 13-16: Bon Festival - honors ancestors / September 23: Autumn Equinox Day (Shubun-no-hi)
Holy Places: Temples, Shinto shrines, Zen gardens, and castles in Kyoto, Nara and other sacred sites are particularly revered. Small pieces of paper (omikuji) that predict your future are tied around the branch of a sacred tree.
Honor: Bushido is the way of the warrior and stresses loyalty, frugality, mastery of martial arts, honor unto death, duty, self-sacrifice, compassion for those of lower station, and preservation of one's family name. A follower should act with calmness, fairness, justice, and propriety.
Languages: Fudokan
Laws: The laws of bushido and the formal laws of their Daimyo and the Feudal Government.
Leader: Fudokan: Emperor Tokugawa Ieyasu / Eternus: Miamoto Musashi - This famous swordsman became a hero by wandering the countryside in Fudokan. In his travels he perfected Nitouryu or (two swords style). His match against Sasaki Kojiro is famous as the duel of the Ganryujima (Ganryu island) and cemented his pace as a hero.
Magic Type: Mahou
Place of Origin: Fudokan
Phrases: Nice to meet you - Hajimemashite / Good morning - ohayou / Hello - konnichiwa / Good evening - konbanwa / Good night - O yasumi nasai / Good bye - sayonara / I am sorry - Gomen nasai / Excuse me - sumimasen / How are you? (O) genki desu ka / Very well, thanks for asking - o kage-sama de / Yes - Hai / No - iie / Thank you - Arigatou / Please - Onegai shimasu / No thank you - Kekkou desu / Please or After You - Dozo / Cheers - Kanpai / Good luck (for the future) - Genki de ne /
Heritage Weapon: Taichi
Rituals: Most rituals revolve around art including the martial arts.
Ikebana: Japanese art has an aspect of meditation to it that is designed to help the artist reach enlightenment. Ikebana flower arrangement emphasizes harmony, color use, rhythm, and elegant design. It is centered on expressing the seasons.
Theatre: The four traditional theatres are noh, kyogen, kabuki and bunraku. Noh features masks, costumes and stylized gestures, sometimes accompanied by a fan that often represents other objects. The kyogen are of humorous character and masks are rarely used. Kabuki makes use of makeup and typically focuses on historical plays. Bunraku is a special type of puppet theater. Three kinds of performers; puppeteers, chanters, and shamisen players and sometimes features instruments such as taiko drums.
Symbols: The symbol of Fudokan is two crossed flags, one with the rising sun in red with a white background and the other has the symbol of Bushido in Kanji in white over a black background.
Weakness (Obake Energy Type): Zenaku
PL 1: Racial Weapon (40%) - +10% critical bonuses vs Obake
PL 1: Ambush (Unsteady) +5
PL 1: Alertness (Unsteady) +5
PL 1: Mahou (Substitution) -
PL 1: Limited Tracking (Obake) - 40%
PL 1: Negate Terrain (Unsteady) -
PL 1: Special Mission - +40% influence (Racial) + racial tokens used for rewards and titles -
PL 2: Material Coordination - Racial Armor (Limited) Zenaku (Reduce Weakness) +1 -
PL 3: Free Training - (x2 at Racial Capital) -
PL 4: Warding (Zenaku) -
PL 5: Favored Terrain - +5 (max) on ambush and alertness -
PL 5: Activate Racial Totem -
PL 5: Special Mission - +20% influence (Racial) - racial tokens used for rewards and titles - (Reward) Racial Weapon Upgrade (60%)
PL 6: Material Coordination - Racial Armor (Limited) Zenaku (Reduce Weakness) +2 -
PL 7: Free Training - (x2 at Racial Capital) -
PL 8: Warding (Obake) -
PL 9: Detect Obake (Instant) -
PL 9: Special Mission - +8% influence (Racial) - racial tokens used for rewards and titles - (Reward) Racial Weapon Upgrade (68%)
PL 10: Material Coordination - Racial Armor (Limited) Zenaku (Reduce Weakness) +3
PL 11: Free Training - (x2 at Racial Capital) -
PL 12: Boost Critical (vs Obake) -
PL 13: Use of City Forge - (Free)
PL 13: Special Mission - +8% influence (Racial) - racial tokens used for rewards and titles - (Reward) Racial Weapon Upgrade (76%)
PL 14: Material Coordination - Racial Armor (Limited) Zenaku (Reduce Weakness) +4
PL 15: Free Training - (x2 at Racial Capital) -
PL 16: Familiar - (Racial Mount) -
PL 17: Title - (Minor)
PL 17: Special Mission - +8% influence (Racial) - racial tokens used for rewards and titles - (Reward) Racial Weapon Upgrade (84%)
PL 18: Craft Architecture (Racial) - Requires work at capital city
PL 19: Material Coordination - Racial Armor (Limited) Zenaku (Reduce Weakness) +5 PL 20: Free Training - (x2 at Racial Capital) -
Racial Paragon: (Appointed by racial leader) extremely rare
PL 21: Racial Paragon Weapon (Artifact) - +25% critical bonuses vs Obake
PL 21: Favored Plane (Tentou) - +5 on ambush and alertness
PL 21: Tentou Kaji (Substitution) -
PL 21: Quest - +16% influence (Racial) - (Reward) Racial Weapon Upgrade (100%)
PL 21: Divination (Obake) -
PL 21: Title - (Major)
PL 21: Free Training - (x2 at Racial Capital) -
PL 21: Planar Adaptation (Tentou) -
PL 21: Planar Adaptation (Jigoku) -
PL 22: Racial Paragon Pet - ()
PL 22: Material Coordination - Racial Armor (Limited) EPT (Reduce Weakness) +5
PL 23: Unique Power (Instant) -
PL 23: Free Training - (x2 at Racial Capital) -
PL 24: Warding (Jijoku Kaji) - 91%
PL 24: Free Training - (x2 at Racial Capital) -
PL 25: Create Racial Totem (Unique) -
PL 25: Favored Plane (Tentou) - +5 (max) on ambush and alertness -
PL 25: Free Training x 6 - (x 12 at Racial Capital) -