The Races of Eternus - Cambria

Cambria (Kinshasa / Feline): Cambria are a race of feline like humans that have a strong connection with nature. They are originally from Kinshasa but have spread across many continents over the years. Cambria look very similar to most other humans except for their eyes and ears which resemble a cats.

These people are guardians of the jungles and river lands of Kinshasa. Often they choose to travel to far-away lands and learn about other cultures usually choosing just one and becoming an expert in the ecology, knowledge, and traditions of the land. They can be cool tempered or quick to a fight but all have very little patience for those that disrespect the sanctity of others.

They are tribal communities that live in elaborate caverns which are carved with large stone pillars and contain huge murals that depict much of their history. They share many of the abilities of the jungle cats and share a telepathic bond with these large cats. In fact they often bond with one of these cats and make them their familiar. They make great warriors and can tap into powerful martial abilities. They celebrate the tribal bonds of their families and their ancestors on February 27th. They celebrate by playing tribal drums and other instruments and preparing a great feast which they share with friends outside their tribe. Their greatest enemies are the Zantu who hunt the Cambria as an offering to their dark goddess.

The Eluvian warriors are a rare brand of elves that sprang out of the forests of a far away place called Kinshasa. They were the protectors of the forest and guarded it in secret against evil and the clumsiness of some unscrupulous hunters and their unwatched fires, over-hunting and general cruelty. They gained their unusual powers after attempting to rescue a seemingly ordinary jungle cat from a particularly nasty and witless hunter, which was torturing the poor beast. This heroic deed rescued no ordinary feline however but a powerful demigod of the forest called (Ki Suien) and the hunter was none other than an evil and extremely powerful ghost named Garrwarth who had disguised himself as an ordinary hunter and besieged the demigod in a moment of weakness. The two elves, a male and a female named Goran and Fee were almost killed by the ghost but the momentary reprieve gave Ki Suien a chance to scare away the powerful foe. For their bravery the two were healed and imbued with the powers of the goddess and became the first Eluvian Warriors. They had children who carried on the line and became a rare but powerful race of protectors that travel to the far corners of the earth protecting the weak and defending against evil spirits that would do mankind harm.

Eluvian Warriors – (Commonly know as Cat Lords) The Eluvian warriors are a rare brand of elves that sprang out of the forests of a far away place called Kinshasa. They were the protectors of the forest and guarded it in secret against evil and the clumsiness of some unscrupulous hunters and their fires, over hunting and cruelty. They gained their unusual powers after attempting to rescue a seemingly ordinary jungle cat from a particularly nasty and witless hunter, which was torturing the poor beast. This heroic deed rescued no ordinary feline however but a powerful demigod of the forest called (Ki Suien) whom an evil and extremely powerful ghost named Garrwarth who had disguised himself as an ordinary hunter besieged. The two elves, a male and a female named Goran and Fee were almost killed by the ghost but the momentary reprive gave Ki Suien a chance to banish the powerful foe. For their bravery the two were healed and imbued with the powers of the goddess and became the first Eluvian Warriors. They had children who carried on the line and became a rare but powerful race of protectors that travel to the far corners of the earth protecting the weak and defending against evil spirits that would do mankind harm.

Eluvian warriors look almost identical to regular humans except the unusual spark that lights their eyes. They are also very beautiful and handsome and are tall with lean figures that are much stronger than they look. With experience they can learn to channel the powers of their ancestors and gain many of the powers of the powerful feline goddess Ki Suien. They are very charming and many average humans are fascinated by their charm and beauty. They are feared and hated by ghost because of their rare abilities, which draw them to the supernatural. They like to live near woods if possible but will travel almost anywhere to protect animals or capture ghosts.

Heritage Weapon (Physical): Retractable Claws

Magic Type: Physical Enhancement / Place of Origin: Kinshasa / Preferred Class: Naturist / Special Ability: Magical Claws (All) / Resistance: Breakfall (All) / Special Ability: Jumping (Special) / S