Medieval Fantasy RPG -

minotaur city of aegusAncient - Minos (Minotaur Lord):

Physical: The typical Minotaur Lord is a humanoid creature that stands from 5 1/2 to 6 feet tall and weighs 160 to 220 pounds. These stats can vary widely however. Their hair color can be either black or white and rarely, purple, or blue. Their eyes are usually dark green. They are very similar in appearance to a tyical human except that they have small white horns that protrude from the sides of their heads. Also in combat or when they use a racial power a ghostlike transparent white Minotaur around double their height appears behind them and mimics their movement.

Architecture and Art: Minos culture is best known for its elaborate temples and mazes. It design is characterized by large columns supporting either a central dome surrounded by several smaller domes, or a rectangular roof surrounded by outer beams. Common buildings are made of wooden supports and beams, and walls were unbaked brick with the inside covered in plaster etched with maze patterns. Exceptional buildings are made of limestone and marble, with terracotta roof tiles and ornaments. Bronze and other precious metals are used for decorative details and the indoor walls are decorated with intricate puzzles and riddles. Sculpture, architecture, coin design, pottery and gem engraving are the major artforms.

Capital: Aegeus

Culture: The Minos are a very intellectual culture that believe in honoring their fellow citizens by preserving and creating great works of art and literature. They also take great pride in the creation of an extremely well designed maze or riddle. The best way to impress the cultural leaders is to perform an act of service such as building a large maze to honor the city. To be truly successful the maze should incorporate a functional city and perhaps include difficult riddles that educate and inform. Their great libraries hold some of the oldest and rarest books, poems and other cultural items. They are also experts in philosophy and theatre.

Customs: Bread is considered a gift of God and as such should be included in every meal. It should be blessed and those who receive it should make the sign of the cross with a knife before slicing it. Minos ledgend states that a person can catch the evil eye, or “matiasma”, from someone else’s envy making them feel bad physically and psychologically. To avoid it you should wear a little blue marble glass charm or bracelet with an eye engraved on it. Fresh onions and/or garlic hanging in the corner of a house can also ward off the evil eye. Minos citizens never hand knives to someone who asks because they believe that they will have a fight with the person. They set it down and let the other person take it instead. The expression "Piase kokkino" (touch red) is used when two people say the same thing. They say it and then both have to touch any red item they can find to avoid a future fight or argument.

Enemies: Minotaurs

Etiquette: Minos people are extremely warm, welcoming and hospitable . If you are welcomed into their home, they will treat you like royalty. To impress a person you should make a good impression with their relatives. Personal and family honor is very important to a Minos person. Grievances or problems should be dealt with in a noble, and polite way. Elderly people are treated with the utmost dignity and respect. When first meeting a person a firm handshake should be used with both men, women, and children. With friends hugging and kissing each cheek with women is customary, and a friendly pat on the shoulder or back is common between men. Minos people are very open in their speech and physical expression. In Minos culture, the ‘OK’ signal or ‘O’ shape with your thumb and forefinger is a very vulgar gesture. You should instead use a thumbs up. ‘Yes’ is signalled by a slight nod of the head downwards, and ‘no’ is signalled by a small nob of the head upwards. Punctuality to dinner parties is not considered rude as it is in some cultures. When invited to a party, the ‘proper’ etiquette is to arrive a half an hour late. When you arrive you should bring a small gift such as a good wine, flowers, sweets or pastries. You may receive a toast from your guest, which can be returned later on during the meal. Try to eat everything on your plate, and don’t be surprised if others share the food from their plates. You should follow suit and offer to share some of your food.

Faction Tokens: Symbol of Ingenuity

Foods: Most minos cuisine features generous use of olive oil, fried cheese, vegetables, and herbs. Common foods are grains and bread, wine, spinach, potato salad, fish, poultry, rabbit, pork, olives, cheese, garlic potatoes, various rich soups, baked tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini, fresh peas, okra, onions, mint, green beans, baked beans, various peppers, nettles, leeks, cabbage rolls, baked stuffed vegetables, syrup, walnut cake, butter cookies, donuts, cinnamon, grapes, rice pudding, apple pie, various fruits, sweet bread, wide variety of cheeses, coffee, wine, beer, Ouzo (a traditional 80-proof clear alcoholic beverage flavored with anise), yogurt, nuts, honey and filo pastry,

Specialities: Meze are special dishes served with wine or liqueurs. Special dips are served with bread loaf or pita bread. Deep fried vegetables, grape leaves stuffed with rice, fava beans, many large salads, zucchini flowers stuffed with rice, cheese and herbs, cabbage salad. Very finely shredded cabbage with salt, olive oil, lemon juice/vinegar dressing.

Government: Minos people are experts in diplomacy and politics.

History: Minos people have a long and rich history that spans back into the beginnings of time. Unfortunately much of that history was lost when the royal libraries were pillaged and robbed during a Minotaur attack several great turns ago.

Holidays: King's cake is a traditional desert made on New Year's Day. They are baked with a coin inside, and whoever gets the coin in their slice is blessed with good luck for the whole year.

Holy Places: Minos temples dot the landscape of many of the villages and towns of Eternus.

Honor: Their code of honor greatly values honesty, respect, integrity, fairness, love, dignity, character, nobility of soul, magnanimity, respect, and fidelity.

Languages: Common, Minos language,

Laws: The Minos court system is considered the best in the Kingdom. Cases are argued by the persons themselves or their families, who are aided by legal scholars who step in if the person is unable to defend themselves.

Leader: Queen Adonnia Marmara

Magic Type: Divine Labyrinth

Place of Origin: Lands Below - King Anax was the King of the Minos people. His brother was Prodotis and unbeknownst to the King he was greatly jealous of his brother and in love with Minos wife Pasiphae. Minos was a wise King and as a reward a white bull was deliverd to him by divine methods. The bull was to be deliverd to the temple where it would be allowed to mate and the prodegy would bring blessings to all the people of the Kingdom. Anax charged his brother with delivery of the bull to the temple. On the way however the brother discovered that the blood of the bull would make a man irresistible to any woman. He slaughtered the bull and drank its blood and returned saying the bull had been delivered. Pasiphae fell under the spell of the brother and soon she was remarried to the brother. The blood however began to transform the brother into a Minotaur, a fierce half bull, half man like creature. The King discovering what his brother had done banished the Minotaur into a huge magical labyrinth he had built. Cursed by the evil of his actions the brother survived for hundreds of years until he became aware of the magic and discovered a way to escape. The Minotaur threatened to destroy the city unless he gave seven young women and men for sacrifice to the Minotaur every nine years. The King refused and the Minotaur left and 30 years later he returned with thousands more Minotaur and rampaged and destroyed most of the city, including the Royal Library. no one is sure where the Minotaurs came from or how more were created, even to this day.

Phrases: yes ne / no - ohi / OK - entaksi / how are you? - ti kanis / how are you? (plural) - ti kanete / I'm fine - ime kala / hello (singular) - yia sou / hello (plural) - yia sas / good-bye - yia sou / good-bye (plural) - yia sas / good morning - kali mera / good evening - kali spera / good night - kali nichta / cheers - stin iyia sou / cheers (plural) - stin iyia sas / thank you - efharisto / excuse me - signomi / please - parakalo /

Rituals: Minos teach that dancing is invented by the gods and therefore is it used in most of their religious ceremonies and celebrations. When not dancing in a circle the dancers hold their hands high or wave them to left and right. They hold cymbals or a kerchief in their hands. The onlookers joined in, clapping and singing while musicians play the guitar, flute, sistrum, timpani drum, psaltirio, Sirigs, lyre, cymbals, keras and kanonaki.Minos burial rituals are extravagant. Gold and jewels are essential grave offerings of respectable and honored tombs. Minos people want whenever possible to be buried in their home city by their close family. The eyes and mouth of the dead person must be closed, and the body washed and anointed, with a laurel branch used to sprinkle sanctified water. A coin for Charon is fixed between the teeth. The body is then wrapped in a linen shroud and crowned with garlands, and sometimes laid on vine branches. Oregano is put on the body to ward off evil spirits. Finally, the body is laid in a standing coffin, with its feet facing the door, in the house for a whole day. Women lament, and men come to pay their respects. On the third day after death, before sunrise, the corpse is brought out in a procession to the cemetery. The women sing a funeral dirge with their hands placed on their heads.

Symbols: The Elven pointed star, a circular maze,

Weapon: Falcata - This sickle-shaped sword has a one edged blade that pitches forward towards the point. This falcata is capable of delivering a blow with the momentum of an axe, while maintaining the cutting edge of a sword. The hilt is typically hook-shaped, the end is decorated with the image of a white bull. There is often a thin chain connecting the tip of the hilt with the upper section.

Weakness (Minotaur Energy Type): Infernal Maze


PL 1: Minotaur Lord Weapon (40%) - +10% critical bonuses vs Minotaur
PL 1: Ambush (Close) +5
PL 1: Alertness (Close) +5
PL 1: Divine Labyrinth (Substitution) -
PL 1: Limited Tracking (Minotaur) - 40%
PL 1: Negate Terrain (Close) -
PL 1: Special Mission - +40% influence (Minotaur Lord) + Symbol of Ingenuity used for rewards and titles -
PL 2: Material Coordination - Minotaur Lord Armor (Limited) Infernal Maze (Reduce Weakness) +1 -
PL 3: Free Training - (x2 at Aegeus) -
PL 4: Warding (Infernal Maze) -
PL 5: Favored Terrain - +5 (max) on ambush and alertness -
PL 5: Activate Minotaur Lord Totem -
PL 5: Special Mission - +20% influence (Minotaur Lord) - Symbol of Ingenuity used for rewards and titles - (Reward) Minotaur Lord Weapon Upgrade (60%)
PL 6: Material Coordination - Minotaur Lord Armor (Limited) Infernal Maze (Reduce Weakness) +2 -
PL 7: Free Training - (x2 at Aegeus) -
PL 8: Warding (Minotaur) -
PL 9: Detect Minotaur (Instant) -
PL 9: Special Mission - +8% influence (Minotaur Lord) - Symbol of Ingenuity used for rewards and titles - (Reward) Minotaur Lord Weapon Upgrade (68%)
PL 10: Material Coordination - Minotaur Lord Armor (Limited) Infernal Maze (Reduce Weakness) +3
PL 11: Free Training - (x2 at Aegeus) -
PL 12: Boost Critical (vs Minotaur) -
PL 13: Use of City Forge - (Free)
PL 13: Special Mission - +8% influence (Minotaur Lord) - Symbol of Ingenuity used for rewards and titles - (Reward) Minotaur Lord Weapon Upgrade (76%)
PL 14: Material Coordination - Minotaur Lord Armor (Limited) Infernal Maze (Reduce Weakness) +4
PL 15: Free Training - (x2 at Aegeus) -
PL 16: Familiar - (Minotaur Lord Mount) -
PL 17: Title - (Minor)
PL 17: Special Mission - +8% influence (Minotaur Lord) - Symbol of Ingenuity used for rewards and titles - (Reward) Minotaur Lord Weapon Upgrade (84%)
PL 18: Craft Architecture (Minotaur Lord) Maze - Requires work at capital city
PL 19: Material Coordination - Minotaur Lord Armor (Limited) Infernal Maze (Reduce Weakness) +5
PL 20: Free Training - (x2 at Aegeus) -

Minotaur Lord Paragon: (Appointed by Minotaur Lord leader) extremely rare

PL 21: Minotaur Lord Paragon Weapon (Artifact) - +25% critical bonuses vs Minotaur
PL 21: Favored Plane (Ourania) - +5 on ambush and alertness
PL 21: Kalos (Substitution) -
PL 21: Quest - +16% influence (Minotaur Lord) - (Reward) Minotaur Lord Weapon Upgrade (100%)
PL 21: Divination (Minotaur) -
PL 21: Title - (Major)
PL 21: Free Training - (x2 at Aegeus) -
PL 21: Planar Adaptation (Ourania) -
PL 22: Minotaur Lord Paragon Pet - ()
PL 22: Material Coordination - Minotaur Lord Armor (Limited) Hellfire (Reduce Weakness) +5
PL 23: Unique Power (Instant) -
PL 23: Free Training - (x2 at Aegeus) -
PL 24: Warding (Hellfire) - 91%
PL 24: Free Training - (x2 at Aegeus) -
PL 25: Create Minotaur Lord Totem (Unique) -
PL 25: Favored Plane (Hades) - +5 (max) on ambush and alertness -
PL 25: Free Training x 6 - (x 12 at Aegeus) -