The Cities of Eternus - Aegeus

Lands of Eternus AegeusAegeus - This huge underground city is located under the city Glochester in the province of Glochestershire. It was designed as one huge unbelievably complex maze carved into an existing cavern by a powerful and divinely inspired spell. The city is very difficult to travel on foot even for most of it's residents requiring a guide to go from one place to another. To ease this difficulty large teleport crystals are set up that teleport travelers about in the city making travel quick and relatively easy. It is filled with secret passages and areas only accessible on foot and by those skilled in the art of the labyrinth. The city is under frequent attack from Minotaurs, their hated enemy who are constantly trying to infiltrate and destroy the city. Because of the danger of getting lost a powerful spell is cast on the city that keeps residents from needing food and water. There are teleport crystals set up in the maze that will allow someone lost to teleport back to the main entryway in case they get lost. The deeper levels of the city reputedly have more difficult mazes and riddles that must be solved.