Ancient: Silvermane
Physical: Silvermanes look like a typical human of Eternus however when they are severely wounded (negative Health) or on the night of the full moon they take on wolflike characteristics and have soft silver fur which shimmers softly like moonlight.
Architecture: Silvermane architecture features narrow streets, curved archways, elegant outwall paintings and round domed topped buildings.
Capital: Thule Island
Customs: Silvermanes maintain their history through a tradition of oral literature, lyrical poetry, chanted verse, fairy tales, songs, and other means.
Enemies: Werewolves
Etiquette: Silvermanes greatly respect age and position and view older people as wise since they have great experience. They expect the most senior person, by age or position, to make decisions that are in the best interest of the group.
Faction Tokens: Azure Flower Statuettes
Foods -
Goals: The elimination of the threat of evil lycanthrope.
Government: Hierarchy
History: The legend of the silvermane is one of the most ancient and goes back as far as written history.
Holidays: March 1: Martisorul / April 1: Servants Day / December 1: St. Nicolas’ Day /
Holy Places: Temple of the Silver Moon / Various Monasteries /
Honor: They try at all times to display mercy, courage, valor, fairness, protection of the weak, offer aid to the poor, self-sacrifice, faithfulness to God, protecting the innocent, faithfulness to the church, championing good, being generous, and obey God above country.
Languages: Silvermane, Common
Laws: The laws of the Kingdom
Leader: Regele Sebastian Stolojan
Magic Type: Silver Moonlight
Place of Origin: Unknown
Symbols: Silver Wolf against a blue background with a a sword and a scepter in the background.
Weakness (Werewolf Energy Type): Dark Moonlight
Heritage Weapon: Silver Sabre