Celestial - Akiro
Physical - These tall and very beautiful creatures appear somewhat similar to humans except that they have bright purple eyes and tend to be a bit taller and more attractive than a typical human. Their hair ranges from white to dark purple and is much brighter than the average human. There voices are musical and pleasant sounding and they seem to have an inborn sense of elegance and style.
Architecture - Beautiful temples, basilica, columns, palaces, botanical gardens, fora, fountains, palaces, aqueducts, walls, public and private baths, massive buildings and public areas, and impressive monuments.
Capital - Sarcalogos
Customs - Banquettes are the most important social ritual. People of high social rank set guest tables that almost always have food and are set for a feast at all times incase unexpected guests arrive. They are the best way to influence a person of high regard.
Clothes -
Enemies: Maleficus
Etiquette - Titles should generally be used when addressing or writing to people, particularly when the holder is elderly. Presentation and impression are all-important and are referred to as bella presenza or bella figura (literally ‘beautiful presentation or figure’). They generally dress well and appropriately, tending to be more formal in their attire. Bella figura refers not only to the way you look, but also to the way you act and what you say.
Faction Tokens - Crystal Medallions of Divinity
Heritage Weapon: Cinquedea
Foods -
Government - Theocracy
Goals - The akiro are charged with the keeping of ancient traditions and rituals that bind them to the lands and help them to protect the spiritual and physical well being of the residents. The are protectors of ancient and powerful artifacts of powerful religious significance and sacred places and writings that are irreplacable.
Holidays - Sundays / February 3rd - San Biagio (patron saint of Doues) / February 28th - Mercoledì di Ceneri (Ash Wednesday) / April 25th - San Marco (patron saint of Venezia) / June 29: San Pietro and San Paolo (patron saints of Eternus) / November 1st - Ognissanti (All Saints Day) / November 2nd - Il Giorno dei Morti (Day of the Dead)
Note - Holidays, feasts and fasts are a significant part of their religious practice. The feast days celebrate joyous historical events, while the fast days provide a special opportunity to focus on self-reflection, self-discipline, and repentance. Holidays encourage the observance of important spiritual events and offer a chance to grow in spirit. Lord's Day or Sunday observances are an important part of the religious tradition and fasting should be done once a month and last from sunup to sundown.
Holy Places - There are many sacred gardens, cathedrals, basilica and shrines that hold specific significance.
Languages: Divinus, Common,
Laws - The basic law is the Code of Divine Law which says to treat people as you would want them to treat you.
Leader - High Priest Agathangelous
Magic Type - Divine Essence
Place of Origin - Divine Kingdom
Rituals - Their ceremonies call on the divine spirit of God in all men. The involve blessings of holy water, incense, wine and the divine sacraments, and various saints are honored.
Symbols - Candles, incense and various divine holy symbols such as a holy circle and cross carry strong symbolic meaning. The capitol city itself is made in the shape of a cross surrounded by a circle.