Elven Races: Dokkalfar

Dokkalfar (Night Elves): These night dwelling creatures often loathe the light and typically make their homes deep within the confines of the Lands Below in large hidden caves connected by hiden portals. Despite their often kind nature it is not unusual of for a clan of night Elves to be of a foul and bitter disposition. This is especially true if they have been isolated or they have not been exposed to darkness for some time or both. This has lead to unfounded rumors about their race that make interaction with "boveworlders" difficult. Since darkness acts like sleep for them, the lack of it's soothing presence can lead Night Elves to go mad if exposed to light for too long but only a moment of darkness is all that is needed to restore them. On rare occasion they can become evil from light exposure and like all evil creatures of pure elven blood they turn into the greatly feared and reviled Nokk. Beacuse of their weakness Night Elves have an even greater than average revulsion and loathing for the Nokk and as such they often send adventurers to hunt and kill the vicious creatures. Sent by a mission or no, a Dokkalfar consider it a duty to their heritage to capture or kill any Nokk they come across.

Note: Occasionally a Night Elf is born that has a reduced weakness to light and a desire to roam. These elves are know as Drazga and they are greatly respected by members of their clan. When a Drazga is born they are bound by oath to serve their clan by becoming either an adventurer fighting their dreaded enemies or a trader gathering and bargaining for greatly needed supplies from above ground.

Physical: Dökkálfar Elves have dark skin and black eyes. Their hair is coal black or on rare occasion silver. These elves slightly shorter than humans. Dökkálfar Elves' ears are short and pointed, and their eyes are typically cold and distant. Elves have little body hair, but males often grow long sideburns. Their hair is often long and most women wear two long slender braids entwined with silver strands that hang just in front of each ear.

Architecture: Dökkálfar Elves build their homes in deep dark caverns connected with large extra-dimensional spaces connected by magical portals and extra-dimensional passages.

Capital: Dark Chasm


Trees: They never cut living trees unless they are diseased beyond saving and when they do cut them they make sure that no part goes to waste and replace them with a tree of greater value to the lands.

Dress: They dress in beautiful clothes made from interwoven plant fibers. The clothes usually feature natural colors with two or three different colors with intricate stitched patterns that reflect a nature theme such as leaves or tree branches.

Enemies: Blightwalkers

Etiquette: When someone has shown you a great kindness is it customary to answer that kindness with a note of thanks and a small gift such as food, wine, or a rare plant, and return of the favor as soon as possible. Dokkalfar take oaths very seriously and never make one unless they are sure that they can keep it. They value loyalty and truth and seek to keep the laws of the land as long as they are just.

Faction Tokens: Sacred Stones

Favored Weapon: Claidhamh da Laimh

Foods: Dokkalfar favor typical Elven fare.

Goals: Protector of nature, defender of the weak, caretaker of the natural world; the Dokkalfar area intermediaries between the world of nature and the world of man. They are the keepers and guardians of the largest and oldest trees of the forest. These trees may be Joshua trees, large ancient redwoods, or sacred Elven trees like the Tan Seer tree. Dokkalfar know that if these important trees are sick or dying the ecology quickly follows and as such they defend them fiercely. They use the powers of these powerful trees to enhance their connection with the divine. They revere nature and seek to do battle with the corrupting forces of evil that are enemies to the natural world and to protect the balance of nature and defend those who respect it. A Dokkalfar Elf goes on a spirit walk at the request of the tribe and wanders the forests so that they may learn the ways of the outside world and to do battle with those that seek to harm their homeland. Once they have heard the call of nature urging them to return home they return to the tribe and are rewarded. They love to explore new forests and new lands, and it's not unusual for individuals or small bands to wander hundreds of miles from their homelands.

Government: Dokkalfar Elven tribes are led by a noble court that is overseen by the king. The current members of the court choose from among the members of the tribe to replace them on the council and the King chooses the best member of the council to be his replacement. Every member of the Elven tribe has the potential to rise to nobility and from there to be King despite the circumstances of their birth. To gain notice of the court you must perform heroic deeds that aid or assist the cause of nature and therefore the tribe.

History: Dokkalfar have a long a colorful history and have been in existence for many great turns.

Holidays: Every day is a holiday for the Dokkalfar. Each holiday honors a different type of sacred tree. One tree of the type honored should be planted whenever possible during the holiday.

Holy Places: All of the Dokkalfar holy places are sacred trees.

Languages: Dokkalfar, Elven, Common

Laws: Laws are decided by the council and are similar to those in most good territories.

Leader: King Kethlan Thorlamar

Magic Type: Growth

Place of Origin: Eternus

Rituals: There are many different rituals associated with sacred trees.

Symbols: Talismans with a person or saints name on one side and a type of sacred tree engraved on the other are important symbols of the culture and can be worn around the neck or on the wrist.

Weakness (Blightwalker Energy Type): Decay


Elves use the index finger of their right hand to touch their "third eye" with their palm facing left and the the thumb and remaining fingers in a circle as a sign of respect or to pray.


Favored Weapon: Dökkálfar Spatha: This sword has a rounded tip and is covered in etched interlocking designs.

Foods: Sylvan bread, fresh maze, allspice butter, duck eggs, grape jam, sweet crackers, wild herb omelets, soy kabobs, butter beans, Carmel walnuts, allspice soy links, pan fried soy in garlic sauce, Sylvan peppers, Red mushroom soup with Sylvan spice, Salad with allspice and Dökkálfar Flowers, honey herb salad, wild rice, peppered chic peas, corn in allspice, wild pepper beans, wild carrots, fresh broccoli, stewed vegetables in allspice, blue apples, Dragonfruit berries, wild strawberries, and to drink mead, apple juice, grape juice, orange juice, tomato juice, red wine, white wine, green tea, or goats milk and for desert Blue Applesauce, cinnamon twists, cherry pastries, Red Sugar cane, raspberry cookies, strawberry cookies, and Oiolosse berries.





Holy Places:

Languages: Dökkálfar, Elven, Common

Laws: Laws are decided by the council and are similar to those in most good territories.

Leader: Oberon

Magic Type:

Place of Origin: Eternus



Weakness (Dökkálfar Energy Type): Pure Darkness

PL 1: Dökkálfar Spatha (40%): +10% critical bonuses vs enemy
PL 1: Ambush (Rocky) +5
PL 1: Alertness (Rocky) +5
PL 1: Seiðr (Substitution):
PL 1: Limited Tracking (Dökkálfar): 40%
PL 1: Negate Rocky Terrain:
PL 1: Special Mission: +40% influence (Racial) + Ruby Emblems used for rewards and titles:
PL 2: Material Coordination: Racial Armor (Limited) Pure Darkness (Reduce Weakness) +1
PL 3: Free Training: (x2 at Racial Capital):
PL 4: Warding (Pure Darkness):
PL 5: Favored Terrain (Rocky): +5 (max) on ambush and alertness:
PL 5: Activate Racial Totem:
PL 5: Special Mission: +20% influence (Racial): Ruby Emblems used for rewards and titles: (Reward) Dökkálfar Spatha Upgrade (60%)
PL 6: Material Coordination: Racial Armor (Limited) Pure Darkness (Reduce Weakness) +2
PL 7: Free Training: (x2 at Racial Capital):
PL 8: Warding (Dökkálfar):
PL 9: Detect Dökkálfar (Instant):
PL 9: Special Mission: +8% influence (Racial): Ruby Emblems used for rewards and titles: (Reward) Dökkálfar Spatha Upgrade (68%)
PL 10: Material Coordination: Racial Armor (Limited) Pure Darkness (Reduce Weakness) +3
PL 11: Free Training: (x2 at Racial Capital):
PL 12: Boost Critical (vs Dökkálfar):
PL 13: Use of City Forge: (Free)
PL 13: Special Mission: +8% influence (Racial): Ruby Emblems used for rewards and titles: (Reward) Dökkálfar Spatha Upgrade (76%)
PL 14: Material Coordination: Racial Armor (Limited) Pure Darkness (Reduce Weakness) +4
PL 15: Free Training: (x2 at Racial Capital):
PL 16: Familiar: (Racial Mount):
PL 17: Title: (Minor)
PL 17: Special Mission: +8% influence (Racial): Ruby Emblems used for rewards and titles: (Reward) Dökkálfar Spatha Upgrade (84%)
PL 18: Craft Architecture (Dökkálfar): Requires work at capital city
PL 19: Material Coordination: Racial Armor (Limited) Pure Darkness (Reduce Weakness) +5 PL 20: Free Training: (x2 at Racial Capital):

Racial Paragon: (Appointed by racial leader) extremely rare

PL 21: Racial Paragon Weapon (Artifact): +25% critical bonuses vs enemy
PL 21: Favored Plane (Plane of Sunlight): +5 on ambush and alertness
PL 21: Celestial Light (Substitution):
PL 21: Quest: +16% influence (Racial): (Reward) Dökkálfar Spatha Upgrade (100%)
PL 21: Divination (Dökkálfar):
PL 21: Title: (Councilman: if chosen)
PL 21: Free Training: (x2 at Racial Capital):
PL 21: Planar Adaptation (Plane of Sunlight): PL 21: Planar Adaptation (Plane of Pure Darkness):
PL 22: Racial Paragon Pet: ()
PL 22: Material Coordination: Racial Armor (Limited) Eternal Darkness (Reduce Weakness) +5
PL 23: Unique Power (Instant):
PL 23: Free Training: (x2 at Racial Capital):
PL 24: Warding (Eternal Darkness): 91%
PL 24: Free Training: (x2 at Racial Capital):
PL 25: Create Racial Totem (Unique):
PL 25: Favored Plane (Plane of the Eternal Dark): +5 (max) on ambush and alertness:
PL 25: Free Training x 6: (x 12 at Racial Capital):