Deru Elves (Tree Elves)

the Lands of Alba home to the Deru ElvesDeru Elves (Tree Elves): Deru Elves are the proud children of the forest and are simple people who prefer to live quietly most of the time. They are fierce opponants of injustice especially against those who are helpless and vulnerable. They also defend the forest as a part of their sacred tradition and take offenses against the lands very seriously.

Physical: Deru Elves have tan skin and bright eyes. They sometimes draw colorful tribal designs on their faces and exposed flesh with magical clay and paints that act as a magical mask.

Architecture: Deru elves make their homes inside of large trees where they use their magic to create large extradimensional spaces connected by magical portals and extradimensional passages.

Capital: White Moon:

Customs: Archery contests are the most important social ritual. People of high social rank hold the contests about once a month at the beginning of a holiday but a contest can be quickly put together if a contestant shows great skill combined with a strong desire to further the goals of the tribe.

Trees: They never cut living trees unless they are diseased beyond saving and when they do cut them they make sure that no part goes to waste and replace them with a tree of greater value to the lands.

girl of deru heritageDress: They dress in beautiful clothes made from interwoven plant fibers. The clothes usually feature natural colors with two or three different colors with intricate stitched patterns that reflect a nature theme such as leaves or tree branches.

Enemies: Blightwalkers

Etiquette: When someone has shown you a great kindness is it customary to answer that kindness with a note of thanks and a small gift such as food, wine, or a rare plant, and return of the favor as soon as possible. Deru take oaths very seriously and never make one unless they are sure that they can keep it. They value loyalty and truth and seek to keep the laws of the land as long as they are just.

Faction Tokens: Sacred Stones

Favored Weapon: Claidhamh da Laimh

Foods: Deru Elves favor typical Elven fare.

Goals: Protector of nature, defender of the weak, caretaker of the natural world; the Deru Elves area intermediaries between the world of nature and the world of man. They are the keepers and guardians of the largest and oldest trees of the forest. These trees may be joshua trees, large ancient redwoods, or sacred Elven trees like the Tan Seer tree. Deru elves know that if these important trees are sick or dying the ecology quickly follows and as such they defend them fiercely. They use the powers of these powerful trees to enhance their connection with the divine. They revere nature and seek to do battle with the corrupting forces of evil that are enemies to the natural world and to protect the balance of nature and defend those who respect it. A Deru Elf goes on a spirit walk at the request of the tribe and wanders the forests so that they may learn the ways of the outside world and to do battle with those that seek to harm their homeland. Once they have heard the call of nature urging them to return home they return to the tribe and are rewarded. They love to explore new forests and new lands, and it's not unusual for individuals or small bands to wander hundreds of miles from their homelands.

Government: Deru Elven tribes are led by a noble court that is overseen by the king. The current members of the court choose from among the members of the tribe to replace them on the council and the King chooses the best member of the council to be his replacement. Every member of the Elven tribe has the potential to rise to nobility and from there to be King despite the circumstances of their birth. To gain notice of the court you must perform heroic deeds that aid or assist the cause of nature and therefore the tribe.

History: Deru elves have a long a colorful history and have been in existence for many great turns.

Holidays: Every day is a holiday for the Deru. Each holiday honors a different type of sacred tree. One tree of the type honored should be planted whenever possible during the holiday.

Holy Places: All of the Deru holy places are sacred trees.

Languages: Deru, Elven, Common

Laws: Laws are decided by the council and are similar to those in most good territories.

Leader: King Kethlan Thorlamar

Magic Type: Growth

Place of Origin: Eternus

Rituals: There are many different rituals associated with sacred trees.

Symbols: Talismans with a person or saints name on one side and a type of sacred tree engraved on the other are important symbols of the culture and can be worn around the neck or on the wrist.

Weakness (Blightwalker Energy Type): Decay


Deru: Ruby Acorn: The ruby acorn is a rare acorn that has the potential to grow into a sacred tree. It is the symbol of life, creativity, imagination and immortality and is sacred to the Deru. Once used it should be planted in a warm dry place in an area that is in ecological need.

Deru Elves (Tree Elves)

Physical: Deru Elves have tan skin and bright eyes. They sometimes draw colorful tribal designs on their faces and exposed flesh with magical clay and paints that act as a magical mask. Their hair is dark, ranging from black to light brown, and rarely the silver-white manes of their ancestors. These elves are a bit taller and more muscularly built than their elven brethren and are about as tall as humans. Deru Elves' ears are long and pointed, and their eyes are vibrant blue, violet, or green. Elves have little body hair, but males often grow long sideburns. Their hair is often long and most women wear two long slender braids entwined with gold strands that hang just in front of each ear.

Architecture: Deru Elves build their homes in close harmony with the forest, so perfectly concealed that travelers often pass right by them without even noticing. Deru elves make their homes inside of large trees where they use their magic to create large extradimensional spaces connected by magical portals and extradimensional passages. Structures are formed out of natural materials and must be grown over the course of decades unless magic is employed. There are beautiful natural gardens usually with edible foods, stone fountains and special shrines to sacred trees.

Capital: White Moon: This huge willow tree springs from the fertile earth in the center of the Forest of the Burning Oak and can be seen from miles away. The massive and beautiful tree is over one hundred yards wide at the base. As large as it is outside the extradimensional space inside the tree makes it much larger still. Inside there is a spell that allows in natural sunlight allowing all manner of plants to grow. Structures are formed out of interwoven trees, roots, and other natural materials. There are beautiful gardens arranged around fountains that make up a series of interconnected courtyards. Several very important shrines are located in this capital city.

It is rumored that those that sleep at the base of the massive tree sometimes receive prophetic dreams that can be interpreted and taken on as sacred missions. Its groves were considered and are rumored to help gain eloquence, inspiration, and skill. For a wish to be granted, ask permission of the white moon tree, explaining the reasons for your desire in detail. Select a pliable shoot and tie a loose knot in it while repeating your wish. When the wish is fulfilled. return and untie the knot. Say a prayer, thank the willow and leave a gift.

Customs: Archery contests are the most important social ritual. People of high social rank hold the contests about once a month at the beginning of a holiday but a contest can be quickly put together if a contestant shows great skill combined with a strong desire to further the goals of the tribe. Winning a contest is the best way to gain notice by person of high regard. Just winning contests, however, can only get you so far. In order to progress socially you must first win several contests and then get the support of a higher ranking member of the tribe to host a contest. A rare tree must be planted before each contest, and a large reward must be raised for the winner. After the contest the event is celebrated with a feast. The giver of the contest gives the winner their reward just before the beginning of the meal.

Trees: They never cut living trees unless they are diseased beyond saving and when they do cut them they make sure that no part goes to waste and replace them with a tree of greater value to the lands. They also offer half of the wood to the tribal council as a tribute.

Dress: They dress in beautiful clothes made from interwoven plant fibers. The clothes usually feature natural colors with two or three different colors with intricate stitched patterns that reflect a nature theme such as leaves or tree branches. In less formal occasions the women wear light woven halters that show their midriff with a jeweled chain around their midsection and long flowing cloaks linked with woven silk. They wear pants with long high laced boots and often wear stone jewelry, particularly necklaces. Men wear woven tunics and breeches with low boots and gloves and occasionally full hoods.

Dress, Formal: On formal occasions the women often wear long flowing olive or pearl dresses with inlaid jewels and jeweled headdresses with long dangling stone earrings. The dresses shimmer softly in the light casting a white glow distinctive to the garments. The men wear woven decorative vests made of olive material with dark stitching that traces a vine-like pattern across the shoulders and in straight lines down the front of the garment. Underneath they wear a white shirt with an open collar. Their woven pants are dark and are worn with high boots and a loose flowing belt accented with a decorative gold clasp.

Enemies: Deathwalker

Etiquette: When someone has shown you a great kindness is it customary to answer that kindness with a note of thanks and a small gift such as food, wine, or a rare plant, and return of the favor as soon as possible. When someone sends you an invitation, a gift, or a warning you should send a note of thanks as well. An invitation to visit your home for dinner and to stay the night is warranted if the favor is a big one. Deru elves believe that care should be taken when speaking so that you do not overwhelm your listener with to many comments or make them feel awkward by saying too little. Overly negative comments should be delivered carefully and only at an opportune time. Bad news should always be given in private when possible by requesting to speak to the person alone. Arrogant behavior is considered the height of rudeness in Deru society. When a person is invited to visit your home you should always greet them cheerfully, offer them a hot meal and a warm bed in which to sleep. Beds are warmed by placing large stones warmed by the fire in the beds a few minutes before they are used. When you receive an invitation you should send a note to the person either accepting the invitation or apologizing for not being able to attend with a brief explanation of why. Oaths: Deru take oaths very seriously and never make one unless they are sure that they can keep it. They value loyalty and truth and seek to keep the laws of the land as long as they are just.

Faction Tokens: Sacred Stones

Favored Weapon: Deru Guisarme: This pole weapon is a crescent shaped axe with a long hook shaped beak on the back (used for hooking) and a spear tip on a long shaft.

Foods: Sylvan bread, fresh maze, allspice butter, duck eggs, grape jam, sweet crackers, wild herb omelets, soy kabobs, butter beans, Carmel walnuts, allspice soy links, pan fried soy in garlic sauce, Sylvan peppers, Red mushroom soup with Sylvan spice, Salad with allspice and Deru Flowers, honey herb salad, wild rice, peppered chic peas, corn in allspice, wild pepper beans, wild carrots, fresh broccoli, stewed vegetables in allspice, blue apples, Dragonfruit berries, wild strawberries, and to drink mead, apple juice, grape juice, orange juice, tomato juice, red wine, white wine, green tea, or goats milk and for desert Blue Applesauce, cinnamon twists, cherry pastries, Red Sugar cane, raspberry cookies, strawberry cookies, and Oiolosse berries.

Goals: Protector of nature, defender of the weak, caretaker of the natural world; the Deru Elves area intermediaries between the world of nature and the world of man. They are the keepers and guardians of the largest and oldest trees of the forest. These trees may be joshua trees, large ancient redwoods, or sacred elven trees like the Tan Seer tree. Deru elves know that if these important trees are sick or dying the ecology quickly follows and as such they defend them fiercely. They use the powers of these powerful trees to enhance their connection with the divine. They revere nature and seek to do battle with the corrupting forces of evil that are enemies to the natural world and to protect the balance of nature and defend those who respect it. A Deru Elf goes on a spirit walk at the request of the tribe and wanders the forests so that they may learn the ways of the outside world and to do battle with those that seek to harm their homeland. Once they have heard the call of nature urging them to return home they return to the tribe and are rewarded. They love to explore new forests and new lands, and it's not unusual for individuals or small bands to wander hundreds of miles from their homelands.

Government: Deru Elven tribes are led by a noble court that is overseen by the king. The current members of the court choose from among the members of the tribe to replace them on the council and the King chooses the best member of the council to be his replacement. Every member of the elven tribe has the potential to rise to nobility and from there to be King despite the circumstances of their birth. To gain notice of the court you must perform heroic deeds that aid or assist the cause of nature and therefore the tribe.

History: Deru elves have a long a colorful history and have been in existence for many great turns.

Holidays: Every day is a holiday for the Deru. Each holiday honors a different type of sacred tree. One tree of the type honored should be planted whenever possible during the holiday.

October 28-November 24: Blackthorn (Ngetal)
November 25-December 22: Elder (Ruis)
December 24-January 20: Birch (Beth)
January 21-February 17: Rowan (Luis)
February 18-March 17: Ash (Nuin)
March 18-April 14: Alder (Fearn)
April 15-May 12: Willow (Saille)
May 13-June 9: Hawthorn (Huath)
June 10-July 7: Oak (Duir)
July 8-August 4: Holly (Tinne)
August 5-September 1: Hazel (Coll)
September 2- 29: Cedar (Muin)
September 30-October 27: Ivy (Gort)
October 28-November 24: Elm (Ngetal)

Holy Places: All of the Deru holy places are sacred trees. Trees of a very large size, exceptional beauty, or with unique physical or other characteristics can indicate a tree is sacred. These things however are just a clue to the power of the tree's spirit. The decision to make a tree sacred is ultimately decided by the council. Only a seasoned and powerful Deru, one that is in perfect balance with nature, can see the sacred aura of a tree.

Languages: Deru, Elven, Common

Laws: Laws are decided by the council and are similar to those in most good territories.

Leader: King Kethlan Thorlamar

Magic Type: Growth

Phrases: (hello) dia duit (literally, "God to you"): pronounced: "jeea ditch" / (good morning) maidin mhaith: pronounced: my-din bah / (good bye) slan: pronounced: slawn / Cead Mile Failte: A hundred thousand welcomes: pronounced: cade meelah foyle-ta / (Cheers: Toast) sláinte - pronounced: sloyn-tche / (The grace of God be with you) Rath Dé ort: pronounced: rah jay urt /

Place of Origin: Eternus

Rituals: There are many different rituals associated with sacred trees. Wedding ceremonies are almost always performed under a sacred tree. Leaving polished stones under a sacred tree for one month or longer is supposed to bring them sacred energy particularly during that trees holiday. Playing a beautiful song under a sacred tree is said to bring rain. A stone with a persons name that has died can be placed under certain trees to honor the dead. Oaths should be taken under a sacred tree whenever possible. Sacred trees should be carefully pruned and cared for whenever they need it.

Symbols: Talismans with a person or saints name on one side and a type of sacred tree engraved on the other are important symbols of the culture and can be worn around the neck or on the wrist.

Weakness (Deathwalker Energy Type): Decay

PL 1: Deru Guisarme (40%): +10% critical bonuses vs enemy
PL 1: Ambush (Dense) +5
PL 1: Alertness (Dense) +5
PL 1: Growth (Substitution):
PL 1: Limited Tracking (Deathwalker): 40%
PL 1: Negate Dense Terrain:
PL 1: Special Mission: +40% influence (Racial) + Sacred Stones used for rewards and titles:
PL 2: Material Coordination: Racial Armor (Limited) Decay (Reduce Weakness) +1
PL 3: Free Training: (x2 at Racial Capital):
PL 4: Warding (Decay):
PL 5: Favored Terrain (Dense): +5 (max) on ambush and alertness:
PL 5: Activate Racial Totem:
PL 5: Special Mission: +20% influence (Racial): Sacred Stones used for rewards and titles: (Reward) Deru Guisarme Upgrade (60%)
PL 6: Material Coordination: Racial Armor (Limited) Decay (Reduce Weakness) +2
PL 7: Free Training: (x2 at Racial Capital):
PL 8: Warding (Deathwalker):
PL 9: Detect Deathwalker (Instant):
PL 9: Special Mission: +8% influence (Racial): Sacred Stones used for rewards and titles: (Reward) Deru Guisarme Upgrade (68%)
PL 10: Material Coordination: Racial Armor (Limited) Decay (Reduce Weakness) +3
PL 11: Free Training: (x2 at Racial Capital):
PL 12: Boost Critical (vs Deathwalker):
PL 13: Use of City Forge: (Free)
PL 13: Special Mission: +8% influence (Racial): Sacred Stones used for rewards and titles: (Reward) Deru Guisarme Upgrade (76%)
PL 14: Material Coordination: Racial Armor (Limited) Decay (Reduce Weakness) +4
PL 15: Free Training: (x2 at Racial Capital):
PL 16: Familiar: (Racial Mount):
PL 17: Title: (Warder)
PL 17: Special Mission: +8% influence (Racial): Sacred Stones used for rewards and titles: (Reward) Deru Guisarme Upgrade (84%)
PL 18: Craft Architecture (Deru): Requires work at capital city
PL 19: Material Coordination: Racial Armor (Limited) Decay (Reduce Weakness) +5 PL 20: Free Training: (x2 at Racial Capital):

Racial Paragon: (Appointed by racial leader) extremely rare