The Cities of Eternus - White Moon

the Lands of Alba home to the Deru ElvesCapital - White Moon - This huge willow tree springs from the fertile earth in the center of the Forest of the Burning Oak in Hibernia and can be seen from dozens of miles away. The massive and beautiful tree is over one hundred yards wide at the base. As large as it is outside the extradimensional space inside the tree makes it much larger still. Inside there is a spell that allows in natural sunlight allowing all manner of plants to grow. Structures are formed out of interwoven trees, roots, and other natural materials. There are beautiful gardens arranged around fountains that make up a series of interconnected courtyards. Several very important shrines are located in this capital city. It is the capitol city for both the Deru Elves and their bretheren the Fair Folk.

It is rumored that those that sleep on the ground at the base of the massive tree sometimes receive prophetic dreams that can be interpreted and taken on as sacred missions. Its groves are rumored to help gain eloquence, inspiration, and skill. For a wish to be granted, ask permission of the white moon tree, explaining the reasons for your desire in detail. Select a pliable shoot and tie a loose knot in it while repeating your wish. When the wish is fulfilled. return and untie the knot. Say a prayer, thank the willow and leave a gift.