Skills of Eternus (Climbing)

skills physical climbingClimbing: Climbing requires clear terrain or it is more difficult. Climbing tools can be purchased that give small bonuses to climbing. Other classes may have special items that aid them in climbing that can only be used by those classes.

Range: Touch (0’)
Distance: 10'
Methods: Physical
Tools: Yes (Climbing)
Time: One attack
Limits: Hands must be free or -40

T-30: Hang On: (Move: 0 - 1 minute -5 per)
T-35: Rappel: 10' per round
T-40: Create a simple rope line (Common tethering - 1 round - req rope or mat.)
T-45: Scale (Down): (Common) Scale down a wall or other common obstacle using a common handhold and a rope line
T-50: Scale (Up): (Common) Scale up a wall or other obstacle using a handhold and a rope line
T-55: Free Climb (Down): (Common) Climb down a wall or other obstacle using climbing (foot and hand) attachments.
T-60: Create a simple handhold (Common Tethering - 1 round - req rope or mat.)
T-65: Free Climb (Up): Climb up a wall or other obstacle using climbing (foot and hand) attachments.
T-70: Timed Rappel (+25 to ambush): 100' per round
T-70: Create Harnesses (1 min - req rope or mat.)
T-75: Stopping a Fall (*): (1-20 feet) Once per fall: (No Damage)
T-80: Scale (Parallel Under): (Common) Scale across a ceiling or under another obstacle using two handholds, one on each side, and a rope line
T-85: Stopping a Fall (*): (21-50 feet) Once per fall: (No Damage)
T-95: Stopping a Fall (*): (51-120 feet) Once per fall: (No Damage)
T-100: Free Climb (Parallel Under): (Common) Free Climb across a ceiling or under another obstacle.
T-100: Miracle Landing (*): (120+ feet) Once per fall: (10% damage from fall)

Note: Harness Climbing while falling gives you an additional +50 to stop a fall.

(*) Stopping a fall with climbing requires a nearby parallel surface. The terrain modifiers of the surface of the surface is added to the total.

Modifiers: (Improve)
(-10) Slow Climb (Full Round: x2 distances)

Modifiers: (Reduce)
+20 - Fast Climb (x2 movement)
+30 - Carry 50% of max weight secured to your back.
+40 - Carry 100% of max weight secured to your back
+50 - Carry a shifting load like a person secured to your back. (Plus weight)
+50 - Navigate Uncommon Terrain