Character Enhancements
Enhancements: An enhancement is a magical power that is always in effect even if the person is knocked out or otherwise incapacitated. They can only be removed by a removed enhancement power of a higher PC than the spell. They can be seen through by a detect power of a higher level.
Player Enhancements: (1 skill point each Tier): Enhancements are like training skills except that an enhancement is always in effect.
Common Enhancements:
Alter Appearance I (Face)
Alter Appearance I (Body)
Alter Appearance I (Heritage)
Conceal Alignment I
Conceal Power Class I
Conceal Power Use I
Conceal Power Level I
Conceal Presence I
Conceal Self from Enemy Detection I
Conceal Weakness I
Conceal Weapon I
Conceal Wounds I
Enhance Health I
Increase Faction (One heritage) I
Light Sleeper I
Skill Enhancement (Physical) I
Enhance Senses I
Enhanced Negative Fighting I
Uncommon Enhancements:
Alter Appearance II (Face)
Alter Appearance II (Body)
Alter Appearance II (Heritage)
Conceal Alignment II
Conceal Power Class II
Conceal Power Use II
Conceal Power Level II
Conceal Presence II
Conceal Self from Enemy Detection II
Conceal Weakness II
Conceal Weapon II
Conceal Wounds II
Enhance Health II
Increase Faction (One heritage) II
Light Sleeper II
Skill Enhancement (Physical) II
Enhance Senses II
Enhanced Negative Fighting II