You need 200 xp base to gain a level.
Optional: xp is 1-14 (difficulty of fight) squared
XP Requirements
Level 1-4 = x1
Level 5 = x1.5
Level 6-9 = x1
Level 10 = x2
Level 11-14 = x1.5
Level 15 = x2
Level 16-19 = x1.5
Level 20 = x2.5
Level 21-24 = x2
Level 25 = x2.5
Level 26-29 = x2
Level 30 = x3
Level 31-34 = x2.5
Level 35 = x3
Level 36-39 = x2.5
Level 40 = x3.5
Level 41-44 = x3
Level 45 = x4
Level 46-49 = x3.5
Level 50 = x5
Experience bonus
-80% below level (1pt)
-60% below Level (2pts)
-40% below level higher (4pts)
-20% below level higher (8pts)
Equal Level (20pts)
+20% higher (28pts)
+40% higher (36pts)
+60% higher (60pts)
+80% higher (100pts)
+100+% higher (200pts)
Bonus Experience - goes to a targeted faction or group. – Note: You can put up to half of a level worth of XP into bonus experience. Bonus experience can also be earned by completing special regional faction missions.
Roll Questions (60% with notes 61-00% without)
(Total: 248 XP) +3 Karma -
Adv XP: 14,338
Nico –
Group – 10% of group
Christy –
Kayla –
Group –
01-05% Pick your own question
06-20% Stats and abilities (pick between yours and others)
21-30 Spells (01-50% yours 51-00 others) 90% or over choose own person
31-40 Character Background
41-50 History and Local Knowledge
51-60 Magic Items
61-70 NPCs – You pick
71-80 Past Adventures
81-87 Places
Over 90 - +250 XP
88-93 W notes reroll
94-98 Peoples quirks
99) x 4 experience (reroll)
00) 5,000 XP (reroll)
17,575 Bonus – XP (Requires 28,000 for the group)
Note: Missions earning faction from your target group can earn you 50% bonus experience.