Medieval Fantasy RPG Rules (Jumping)

skill physical jumpingJumping I: The physical Jumping skill is used to move over an obstacle or get from one place to another. It can be very useful. Jumping training teaches you to jump from place to place with much greater skill and accuracy but anyone can attempt a jump up to T-100 without training.

T-30: Standing High Jump: (Move: 0 - Height 4')
GM: Jump to avoid a pressure trap or low obstacle or reach an object.
T-35: Short Parallel Jump: (Move: 4' - Apex 3')
GM: Event (Overcome Obstacle): Jump from a wall to a parallel rooftop to avoid detection and/or gain entrance.
T-40: Estimating: Guess the measure of a distance.
T-45: 10' Jump (Down): Jump down to a lower area. Roll to feet if successful.
GM: Event (Increase Evasion +5): Jump Down a wall or off of an obstacle to increase evasion chances while pursued.
T-50: Wall Jump (Parallel) Requires: Sturdy parallel surface. (Success = free action and +5 height (apex) +5 on next jumping.)
T-55: 20' Jump (Down): Jump down to a lower area. Roll to feet if successful.
GM: Event (Increase Ambush +5): Jump Down from a small tower or off of a large obstacle to increase ambush chances.
T-55: Create Jumping Pole (1 min - req wood and +1 hand axe.)
T-60: 10' Double Jump (Up): Jump up to a higher area. Note: Requires successful wall jump.
GM: Event (Increase Evasion +10): Scale a Large Obstacle to increase evasion chances while pursued.
T-65: Free Jump (Down - Soft): Leap out over obstacles and land in water or on other soft targets.
GM: Event (Increase Evasion +25): Jump to an area far below. Bonuses negated if they successfully follow.
T-70: Defensive Jump (+5 on resistance rolls)
T-70: Timed Jump (+25 to ambush): 20'
T-75: 30' Jump (Down): Jump down to a lower area. Roll to feet if successful.
GM: Event (Increase Evasion +15): Jump to an area far below. Bonuses negated if they successfully follow.
T-80: 20' Triple Jump (Up): Jump up to a higher area. Note: Requires successful wall jump.
T-85: Stopping a Fall: (1-20 feet) Once per fall: (No Damage)
T-90: 40' Jump (Down): Jump down to a lower area. Roll to feet if successful.
T-95: Stopping a Fall: (21-50 feet) Once per fall: (No Damage)
T-100: Stopping a Fall: (51-120 feet) Once per fall: (No Damage)
T-105: Miracle Landing: (120+ feet) Once per fall: (10% damage from fall)
T-120: 40' Quadruple Jump (Up): Jump up to a higher area. Note: Requires successful wall jump.

Modifiers: (Improve)
(-10) Pole Jump (Full Round: x2 distances)

Modifiers: (Reduce)
+10 - Fast Jump (x2 movement)
+40 - Carry a shifting load like a person secured to your back. (Plus weight)
+50 - Navigate Common Terrain.
+100 - Navigate Uncommon Terrain.