Medieval Fantasy RPG -

Class Movement Abilities – These are the special movements that can unlock certain specific powers of the class.

Stealthing – You are slowly and patiently sneeking your way through an area and attempting to close the distance between a yourself and a set location. If you hear sound or movement you fall back or hide and if not you slowly pursue to close the distance. You are traveling at half walking speed. Allows the use of class stealth bonus. (15 ft)

Offensive Dive – You dive into an area of cover and take up a position of attack. +5 to hit/+5AC. (5 feet) -50 stealth

Offensive Stance – You are moving forward and attacking an enemy aggressively. Allows the use of class offensive bonus.

Defensive Stance – You are moving backwards and defending against an enemy aggressively. Allows the use of class defensive bonus or a full defensive maneuver.

Enhance Critical Stance - You are moving steadily and focusing on your attacks to exploit any minor weakness. Allows the use of class enhanced critical bonus.

Evasion – You are escaping through cover if possible from an area or an enemy and attempting to lose them. If approached you fall back and if not you run away as fast as you can. Allows the use of class evasion bonus.

pursuit – You are persuing through an open area if possible and trying to find an area or an enemy and attempting to capture or attack them. You close ground and if not you run away as fast as you can. Allows the use of class enhanced evasion bonus.