Rules of Eternus (Planar)

planar protectionPlanar Travel: Planar travel allows you to use planar gates to move to another plane of existence or alternate dimension. Even with the effects of this skill precise accuracy as to a particular arrival location on the intended plane is almost impossible.

Note: Planar shift powers transport creatures instantaneously and then end. The creatures need to find other means if they are to travel back such as a blue shifting planar gate.

Focus: A small metal talisman. The size and metal type dictates to which plane of existence or alternate dimension the spell sends the affected creatures.

Planar Destinations
01-04: Pergutory
05-08: Limbo
09-12: The Nine Circles of Hell
13-16: The Eternal Abyss
17-20: Hades
21-24: Shoal
25-26: Elemental Plane of Acid
27-28: Elemental Plane of Air
29-30: Elemental Plane of Ash
31-32: Elemental Plane of Astral Light
33-34: Elemental Plane of Cold
35-36: Elemental Plane of Desiccating
37-38: Elemental Plane of Divine
39-40: Elemental Plane of Ethereal Positive
41-42: Elemental Plane of Earth
43-44: Elemental Plane of Fire
45-46: Elemental Plane of Force
47-48: Elemental Plane of Frost
49-50: Elemental Plane of Heat
51-52: Elemental Plane of Light
53-54: Elemental Plane of Lightning
55-56: Elemental Plane of Mist
57-58: Elemental Plane of Magma
59-60: Elemental Plane of Moonlight
61-62: Elemental Plane of Mystical
63-64: Elemental Plane of Ooze
65-66: Elemental Plane of Planar Positive
-68: Elemental Plane of Psychic Positive
69-70: Elemental Plane of Rejuvenating
71-72: Elemental Plane of Salt
73-74: Elemental Plane of Sunlight
75-76: Elemental Plane of Silence
77-78: Elemental Plane of Steam
79-80: Elemental Plane of Water

81-84: Cliffs of Paradise
85-88: The Temple of Nirvana
89-92: The Heavenly Shores
93-96: Pillars of Light
97-100: The Lands of Eden