Powers - Powers are abilities that perform combat and non-combat effects, harm or breach the personal defenses of the enemy or give knowledge or other advantage over the enemy or terrain. They can be learned quickly with the aid of a class trainer or slowly on their own
Powers typically take one normal action to perform.
Power Uses – All levels receive at least one power use that can be taken upon each players turn. Players also receive the potential for extra power uses in the form of combo attacks. (See below) If two base powers hit a combo attempt can be made if the player has attacks left.
Powers: Powers are the determining factor in whether an attack hits or misses, how much damage it does if it hits and how hard the critical effect is to resist. Powers are rated on an potency from 1-100. They cant just be cast on their own however. They require several things to be at their most powerful possible efficiency. Any weak link in the chain will lower the efficiency of the item. For example a power of 54% efficiency must be used by a person with training that is equal or greater than the efficiency of the power in other words 54% or higher. They must be used by a person with with either the appropriate class weapon of an equal or higher efficiency which is also 54% (unless trained in unarmed attacks up 54%) and they must be cast by a character with the proper attribute efficiency 54% or higher. If any one of these scores was say 50% for example then the power would max out at 50% until that needed score was raised.
Unarmed Attacks: Powers and attacks almost always require an item of equal power to the power to accomplish unless special training has been taken. All classes have basic training in unarmed casting or fighting (Efficiency 16%) allowing them to use powers without the aid of a class weapon but more powerful attacks (ie those over 16% efficiency) require an item of equal level or the attacks are capped at the efficiency level of the users unarmed training which is usually 16%. (More on this later)
Powers also requires that the attribute that they are based on is at least as high as the attribute of the person using the power otherwise the power is capped at the lowest number. This is not actually as confusing as it sounds. See below for an example.
Powers: Powers are offensive combat skills or abilities that do damage, harm or otherwise help to breach the personal defenses of the enemy and do them harm while engaged in direct combat. You can choose from a pool of powers of your classes PL. Powers are started by you on your initiative. They can be used during base attacks of a player and possibly during combos.
Example: For example a PL3 magus comes across a powerful fire spell (Flame Strike - PL3- 50) He is 10th level PL3 and is of the appropriate class so he meets the first criteria of casting the spell. He only has a PL3-45 weapon however so the max the spell can do is equal to a PL3-45 spell of the same type if cast through the weapon. His intellect score is only 48 however so that would cap the spell at PL3-48. Since 45 is lower than 48 the spell is capped at 45% efficiency. Unfortunately for the magus an assassin slaps the weapon from his hand further reducing his ability to the max his unarmed training allows which is 16%.
Similar Example: In this example a PL3 magus also comes across a powerful fire spell (Flame Strike- PL3- 50) He is 10th level PL3 and is of the appropriate class so he meets the first criteria of casting the spell. He only has a PL3-45 weapon however so the max the spell could do was PL3-45 if cast through the weapon. Luckily he has trained in unarmed casting up to PL3-50 however so this is no problem. Otherwise the spell would be capped at PL3-45. His intellect score is only 48 however so this does cap the spell at PL3-48. Unfortunately for the surprised yallabar when he slaps the weapon from the magus hand this time it does not reduce his ability to cast the spell since his unarmed training is PL3-50 or 50%. Instead the spell continues, capped only by his slightly lower intellect score much to the chagrin of the toasty yallabar. Of course not everyone can afford to train in unarmed attacks so a class weapon is a nice addition to the adventurers collection of items. Also special class powers are available to the magus (and all other classes for that matter) that can increase his or her main attribute to equal the power of the new spell so its full potential can be reached. A PL3-50 intellect power would increase his intellect to 50 and allow for full use of the power assuming the other criteria were reached.