Medieval Fantasy RPG Rules (Search)
Searching an Area: When you want to see what may be hidden around you the best way to do this is to search an area. You may choose an intensive search which does give you +10 but this takes much more time.
Search I: Intensive Search (1 minute) 10' x 10' / Normal Search 20' x 20' | Search Quickly 50' x 50' (1 attack)
Normal Duration: 1 Round
Normal Search: You walk around a large spot (10’ x 10’) searching briefly for something out of the ordinary. (Movement area limited) (-25 on stealth / -5 on ambush)
Search Quickly: You run through an area (50’ x 50’) searching each area very briefly for something out of the ordinary. (Movement area limited) (-25 on stealth / -5 on ambush)
T-0: Hide Something (Common: Reqired Move 0 / Concealment 100%)
T-10: Search for a known item in a known area
T-20: Find your hiding place (0' comm. 0'move)
T-35: Estimate Cover in an Area (20')
T-40: Search for tampered Portal (Common)
T-45: Search for tampered Mechanical (Common)
T-45: Search a crowd for a individual (Max 25)
T-50: Hide Something (Uncommon: Reqired Move 0 / Concealment 100%)
T-50: Search a group of items for one of a different value. (Max: uncommon)
T-60: Search for a concealed (Common) weapon or item.
T-65: Search for something that is out of place.
T-75: Search a large group for a miniscule item.
T-100: Search for a secret area (Common)
T-100: Read Lips
+25: Search Common Terrain
+75: Search Uncommon Terrain