Transformation - The caster is effectively disguised (magical disguise IV) as an average member of the new form's species, gaining a +80 bonus on their Disguise checks as long as he or she maintains the form. They gain any mundane movement capabilities, such as walking, swimming, and flying with wings but none of the animals other abilities. They lose their ability to speak while in animal form because they are limited to the sounds that a normal, untrained animal can make. When the change occurs, the carried equipment, if any, melds into the new form and becomes nonfunctional. The transformed can use spells, senses and knowledge abilities but not physical skills or deliver normal attacks. Any new items the transformed wore in animal form fall off and land at their feet as they return to their original form. Any item that the animal form carried in a body part common to both forms (mouth, hands, or the like) at the time of reversion are still held in the same way. A transformed gains a +20 circumstance bonus on Animal related checks made against an animal whose form he or she has assumed while in this form.