Medieval Fantasy RPG -

Magical Traps - Magical traps are very complex and can be very difficult to detect and bypass.

Types of Traps - Each trap is based on a specific main skill.

Skill Required - Traps must be set by a person with training equal to their PL and percentage.

Limits - Most characters cannot set a trap that is not of their main ability type.

Finding Traps - In order to find and avoid traps you must have the detect traps power. This skill is automatic and need not be activated. Rolls to detect traps are made in secret by the GM.

Tiers - The level of a trap is identified by its percentage which is divided into five tiers.

Tier One (Initiate) 01-20%
Tier Two (Adept) 21-40%
Tier Three (Expert) 41-60%
Tier Four (Master) 61-80%
Tier Five (Grandmaster) 81-100%

Traps to Character Skill Ratio (Detecting)

Four tiers below - 100%
Three tiers below - 99%
Two Tiers below - 75%
One Tier Below - 50%
Equal Level - 25%
One tier above - 10%
Two Tiers above - 05%
Three tiers or more above - 01%

Bonuses - Certain situations give bonuses to your ability to find traps.

Trap of your type - +25%
Know there is a control box in the 30' area - +25%
Know there is a trap in the 100' area - +10%

Triggers - Traps are triggered by movement, heat, sound, sight and intuition and etc.

Types: Pressure / Tripwire / Movement / Heat / Soul / Sound / Sight / Scent / Color / Air Displacement / Scent /

Event Trigger - Each type of trap has a specific event trigger that requies a different type of trigger and each makes a different noise when activated that can be used to distinguish them.

Trigger Range - The range of a trap trigger is typically a 60 foot (radius),

Trap Damage Range - The range of trap damage is typically 600 foot (radius).

Finding the Control Box - A characters Perception skill is used to find the control box of a trap.

Perception Targets - Perception targets are rolled once per round per character and rolled before initiative along with counter options.

Tier One (Initiate) Perception Target - 70
Tier Two (Adept) Perception Target - 84
Tier Three (Expert) Perception Target - 98
Tier Four (Master) Perception Target - 112
Tier Five (Grandmaster) Perception Target - 126

Perception Bonuses - Certain situations give bonuses to your perception ability to locate the control box.

Trap of your type - +25%

Disarming Traps - In order to disarm a trap you must have the detect traps power and have detected the location of the trap before it is activated. Once a trap is activated you must use the deactivation sequence. (See below) You must also find the control box for the trap. (See above) A success means you manage to temporarily disable the trap for 4 rounds so that you can maneuver your way over to the control mechanism and attempt to stop the device Permanently by disabling the mechanism.

Traps to Character Skill Ratio (Disarming)

Four tiers below - 100%
Three tiers below - 90%
Two Tiers below - 75%
One Tier Below - 50%
Equal Level - 25%
One tier above - 10%
Two Tiers above - 05%
Three or more tiers above - 01%

Bonuses - Certain situations give bonuses to your ability to disarming traps.

Trap of your type - +25%

Deactivating Traps - Once a trap is activated you must use the deactivation sequence if you want to disarm the trap. You still must find the control box for the trap. Rolls to disable traps are made by the player and are similar to opening a lock. It usually takes more than one success to completely disarm most traps.

Tools - Each type of trap requires a different tool to disable. All are sold together in a trap tool kit that can be bought at nearly any magic shop or even many general stores.

Traps to Character Skill Ratio (Deactivating)

Four tiers below - 100%
Three tiers below - 90%
Two Tiers below - 75%
One Tier Below - 50%
Equal Level - 25%
One tier above - 10%
Two Tiers above - 05%
Three or more tiers above - 01%

Bonuses - Certain situations give bonuses to your ability to disarming traps.

Trap of your type - +50%

Successes and Failures (Disarming) - A certain number of successes means the traps is disarmed. A certain number of failures means that the trap is locked and cannot be disarmed. Once locked it can only be stopped by destroying the control box, a very difficult task.

Tier One (Initiate) - (1) failure / (1) success
Tier Two (Adept) - (2) failures / (2) successes
Tier Three (Expert) - (3) failures / (3) successes
Tier Four (Master) - (3) failures / (4) successes
Tier Five (Grandmaster) - (3) failures / (5) successes

Destroying a Control Box - Destroying the control box of a trap is a very difficult task since they are usually well concealed and protected. To destroy the control box first you must find it. (See above) Once the control box is destroyed then the trap is destroyed as well and ceases to function immediately.

Control Boxes - The control box of each tier of traps has a certain number of strike points and armor for its PL.

Tier One (Initiate) - SP 600 / Armor 80
Tier Two (Adept) - SP 1000 / Armor 94
Tier Three (Expert) - SP 1400 / Armor 108
Tier Four (Master) - SP 1800 / Armor 122
Tier Five (Grandmaster) - SP 2200 / Armor 136

Initiative - Traps have a fixed initiative of 20 +1 per PL of the trap.

Initiative Advantage - A character that wins in initiative against a trap gets +25 on resistance rolls for the round.

Attacks - Each trap can attack once a round for up to ten rounds or until the person is out of range (See trap range)

Damage - The strength of the damage done is greatly increased depending on the trap tier.

Tier One (Initiate) - x1
Tier Two (Adept) - x2
Tier Three (Expert) - x3
Tier Four (Master) - x4
Tier Five (Grandmaster) - x5

Attack Bonuses - Attack bonuses for a trap are equal to the efficiency % of the trap.

Avoiding Attack - Once a trap is triggered there are two ways to avoid attack. One is to make a resistance roll against the trap type and the second is to predect the action of the trap and make the proper evasive action to avoid it.

Types of Attacks - Each trap has different attack actions that it can take that make it very unpredictable and difficult to avoid. The more actions the more difficult it is to take the proper evasive action.

Tier One (Initiate) - 3 Actions
Tier Two (Adept) - 4 Actions
Tier Three (Expert) - 6 Actions
Tier Four (Master) - 8 Actions
Tier Five (Grandmaster) - 10 Actions

Counter Action - Taking the proper counter action against a particular attack means that you have no chance to be attacked for that round. Counters are announced before initiative is rolled.

Successful Counters - A successful counter prevents the person making the counter from being affected by the next single round of attacks so no resistance is rolled for the round. A successful counter also gives the person +25 on their next single attempt to deactivate the item.

Trap Attack Style - Trap attack style determines the bonuses to attack and the type of damage done.

Fast: +25 to hit / 20 points base
Normal: +0 to hit / 30 points base
Power: -25 to hit / 60 points base

Damage Type - Damage type varies depending on the trap. Each trap kit determines the type of damage. Blade traps do slashing damage for example.

Resistance - Another way to avoid attack is to beat the resistance target of the trap type.

Resistance Target - This is the main ability score target. A score equal to or higer than the target means a successful resistance.

Tier One (Initiate) - 60
Tier Two (Adept) - 70
Tier Three (Expert) - 80
Tier Four (Master) - 90
Tier Five (Grandmaster) - 100

Bonuses - Certain situations give bonuses to your ability to resist traps due to your ability to predict their actions.

Trap of your type - +25%

Targets - Each trap can target up to 6 people in the area of effect.

Overlapping Trap Effects - Placing more than one trap in the same area will only take effect if there are targets available that cannot be effected by the first trap. For example of there are two traps and ten people then the second one would effect the four remaining people and etc.