Item Prices (Eternus)

Magic Item ConditionPrices - Calculating prices (in cp) - Start with the number 1 then take the PL number and add 1 zero for each PL of item except for the first then multiply by the efficiency score from 1-4. Then add the rarity multiplier and convert to a larger currency if you wish. Note: Items of efficiency 5 are artifact level items and are always priceless. See below for a shortcut to figuring prices.

Level Prices (100%) - (Total reward for approx 1 level)
PL 1 - Common (25%) - 10 cp / 1s
PL 1 - Uncommon (50%) - 200,000 cp / 200g
PL 1 - Rare (75%) - 500,000 cp / 500g
PL 1 - Unique (100%) - 1,000,000 cp / 1000g

Level Prices (100%) - (Total reward for approx 1 level)
PL 5 - Common (25%) - 50,000 cp / 50g
PL 5 - Uncommon (50%) - 200,000 cp / 200g
PL 5 - Rare (75%) - 500,000 cp / 500g
PL 5 - Unique (100%) - 1,000,000 cp / 1000g

Level Prices (100%) - (Total reward for approx 1 level)
PL 5 - Common (25%) - 50,000 cp / 50g
PL 5 - Uncommon (50%) - 200,000 cp / 200g
PL 5 - Rare (75%) - 500,000 cp / 500g
PL 5 - Unique (100%) - 1,000,000 cp / 1000g

Level Prices (100%) - (Total reward for approx 1 level)
PL 5 - Common (25%) - 50,000 cp / 50g
PL 5 - Uncommon (50%) - 200,000 cp / 200g
PL 5 - Rare (75%) - 500,000 cp / 500g
PL 5 - Unique (100%) - 1,000,000 cp / 1000g

Level Prices (100%) - (Total reward for approx 1 level)
PL 5 - Common (25%) - 50,000 cp / 50g
PL 5 - Uncommon (50%) - 200,000 cp / 200g
PL 5 - Rare (75%) - 500,000 cp / 500g
PL 5 - Unique (100%) - 1,000,000 cp / 1000g

Level Prices (100%) - (Total reward for approx 1 level)
PL 5 - Common (25%) - 50,000 cp / 50g
PL 5 - Uncommon (50%) - 200,000 cp / 200g
PL 5 - Rare (75%) - 500,000 cp / 500g
PL 5 - Unique (100%) - 1,000,000 cp / 1000g

Level Prices (100%) - (Total reward for approx 1 level)
PL 5 - Common (25%) - 50,000 cp / 50g
PL 5 - Uncommon (50%) - 200,000 cp / 200g
PL 5 - Rare (75%) - 500,000 cp / 500g
PL 5 - Unique (100%) - 1,000,000 cp / 1000g

Level Prices (100%) - (Total reward for approx 1 level)
PL 5 - Common (25%) - 50,000 cp / 50g
PL 5 - Uncommon (50%) - 200,000 cp / 200g
PL 5 - Rare (75%) - 500,000 cp / 500g
PL 5 - Unique (100%) - 1,000,000 cp / 1000g

Level Multiplier: common x 1 / uncommon x 4 / rare x 10 / unique x 20 / Priceless x?

Scarcity Multiplier - The cost of an item greater than common is also added to its rarity multiplier. This number varies greatly depending on what the item is worth at the time. A normal shovel might be relatively cheap but if there is a mudslide and several affluent villages are wiped out shovels could become priceless and the multiplier could be as high as 1000 for example while the places are being repaired. Some items are so valuable their rarity is infinite meaning the person who owns it would never give it up for any price. In times of great drought or hunger food can become infinite in price.


Example 1: You possess a common sword of PL2-1. Start with 2 and add 2 zeroes since the item is PL2 which gives you 200. Now multiply by x1 for efficiency of the item which gives you 200. Since the item is common the rarity multiplier is x1 which still gives you 200. Since copper is the base unit you can convert this to 2 Ruthenium which gives you the value. Note selling an item on comission usually gives you 90% of the base value so the sell prices would be 1.8 ru.

Example 2: You possess an unique shield of PL4-4. Start with 4 and add 4 zeroes since the item is PL2 which gives you 40000. Now multiply by x4 for efficiency of the item which gives you 160000. Since the item is rare the rarity multiplier is x10 which gives you 1,600,000 copper.

Example 3: You possess a magical mirror of PL10-5. It is priceless since all -5 items are priceless. Priceless items are usually very difficult to sell and prices can vary widely depending on demand and other factors.

Market Price: The cost that an item brings on the open market. Sometimes this is simply called price. An item's market price is a retail price (or the price a character must pay when buying the item). Characters who sell used items can expect to get only 90% of the market price.