Character Training
Player Skills: There are many player skills that any player can train in from common skills to uncommon skills.
Class Training:
Class training is required at the beginning of a Power Level to allow the character to advance. At 1st level you train for 1st through fourth level abilities. The cost of training in a class skill is 10Au x the PL of the training. Training for PL2 is 20 Au for example.
+0 - Identify I (Holy Relic) | (Angelus Only)
+0 - Identify I (Nonmagical Item) | (Champion Only)
+0 - Identify I (Artistic Item) | (Armati Only)
+0 - Identify I (Magic Talisman) | (Magus Arcanum Only)
+0 - Identify I (Warriors Totem) | (Proeliator Only)
+0 - Identify I (Ancestral Item) | (Ancestral Guardian Only)
+0 - Identify I (Collector's Item) | (Ritualist Only)
Cost of Skill Training: The cost of training in a common skill is 2Pa and an uncommon skill is 4Au.
Getting Training: Training can be performed by a trainer, a class trainer or by magical means.
Duration of Training: Skill training takes 4 hours per skill while class training takes one month (160 hours) per PL. Training can be broken up into a minimum of eight hour days or a maximum of 16 hour days. Training in other increments may cause failure. This is at the discretion of the GM.
Magical Training: A magical item cost the same as two of the same PL items. The cost of magical or martial training if it can be found and secured is twice the cost of normal training (possible more if the spell or power is in high demand).
Common Player Skills: Follow the link to find out about many common skills that you can use to guid the training of your player character.
Uncommon Player Skills: Follow the link to find out about many uncommon skills that you can use to guid the training of your player character.