Phantom Attack II
Power Level: Base () / Max ()
Critical: .1 per 1% of efficiency and modified attack bonus
Attack Bonus: +20
Ability Type:
Range: Touch (0’)
Sacrifice: No
Duration: Permanent
Time: One free action
Area of Effect: One 5' square
Focus: One weapon of sufficient quality and PL
Target: One creature
Resistance: No
Uses: Once per combat
Limits: You strike out at an enemy just after a perfect attack by manifesting your astral form to attack them. A phantom attack can only be used immediately after the attacker makes a perfect attack on an enemy.
Effect: You roll another attack of the exact same type as the last as an immediate free action with +20 additional attack points and if it hits target must make a resistance versus Spiritual Magic (uncommon T-75) or they are entranced for one attack.