Medieval Fantasy RPG -

Spinning Kick II
Style: Strength / Martial
Efficiency: Uncommon
Critical: Uncommon (91-00)
Attack Bonus: +0
Damage: +20%
Ability Type: Foot (Armored) II
Range: Close (5’)
Sacrifice: No
Duration: Instant
Time: One free action
Target: Qualifying Enemy
Limits: Attacker must have sufficient room to swing a large weapon. The target must have just knocked you to the ground.

Bonus: +40 to critical vs class enemies

Effect: You execute a spinning kick as a counterattack against an enemy that was foolish enough to try to knock you down using the momentum of the trow for extra damage.

Attacks: II - Close Range (Lethal or nonlethal - Blunt)
+60/24 - Chest Kick II
+40/36 - Low Kick II
+20/72 - Head Kick II
+0/144 - Vital Kick II