Medieval Fantasy RPG

Thunder Strike II
Style: Strength / Martial
Efficiency: Uncommon
Critical: Uncommon (91-00)
Attack Bonus: Efficiency +0
Damage Bonus: +20%
Ability Type: Training II Fist (Martial)
Range: Touch (0’)
Sacrifice: No
Duration: Instant
Time: One attack action
Area of Effect: One 5' square
Focus: Fist Weapon II
Target: One creature
Limits: Attacker must have sufficient room to swing a large weapon and have their hands free.
Bonus: +40 to critical vs class enemies

Effect: Attack (Touch)

Attacks: II - Touch Range (Lethal - Blunt)
+60/24 - Quick Jab II
+40/36 - Straight Punch II
+20/72 - Hook II
+0/144 - Uppercut II

Attacks: Touch Range (Non-Lethal - Heat)
+60/24 - Pyretic Touch II
+40/36 - Blazing Grasp II
+20/72 - Flaming Fist II
+0/144 - Volcanic Clutch II