Magical Item (Stonework)

Talisman of Recoverytalisman of recovery
Efficiency: Common +3 (100c)
Slot: Held (Consumable)

Item Training: No
Quantity: 1
Type: Stonework
Value (x20) / Rarity (x2): 12 Ru

Weight: 1.0 lbs
Durability: Fragile

Creator: Stonemason
Aura: Enchantment
Magical Mark: Tolan's | Chapelin
Concealment: None

Normal Uses: +10 to Resist System Shock (Held)
Special Uses: +25 to Negate System Shock (Consumed)
Limits: Once per rest (special use) |
Upon breaking the tile a surge of energy enters the target of the power.
Critical: No

Description: This small golden porcelin tile is adorned with the body of a dragon.

GM Notes
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