Medieval Item (Drink)
Silver Poppy Tea
Efficiency: Common +4 (100c)
Slot: Held
Item Training: No
Quantity: 10
Type: Consumable Drink
Value (x4) / Rarity (x1): 16 Ru
Weight: 0.1 lbs
Durability: Common
Creator: Alchemist
Aura: None
Magical Mark: None
Concealment: None
Normal Uses: Sedative: Sleep for 24 hours
Special Uses:
Limits: Once per Combat per Target / Potions must be kept in their vials or they will evaporate in 1 week or less. Only 1 sedative can be taken per power level without side effects.
Effect: When two are taken together they are poisonous.
Critical: (x2 duration and no side effects: 96-00)
Description: This red crystelline rose when made into a potion confers an incredible burst of fatigue on its imbiber.
GM Notes: xxxx