Magical Item (Woodworker's Adornment)

Runes of Returningrunes of returning
Efficiency: Uncommon +6 (100c)
Slot: Held

Item Training: Crafting (Uncommon)
Quantity: 1 rune | 1 sheath
Type: Magical Adornment
Value (x20) / Rarity (x2): 8 Pa

Weight: 0.1
Durability: Fragile

Creator: Woodworker (Uncommon)
Aura: Artisan
Magical Mark: by Artist
Concealment: Uncommon Invisibility and Visibility (at Will

Normal Uses: Ranged Weapon Adornment: Ammunition Return (Automatic)
Special Uses:


Description: This wooden sheath contains a tiny wooden disk that can be added to a range weapon by any crafter. T-25:

GM Notes: xxxx