Magical Item (Consumable)
Magical Glue
Efficiency: Uncommon +7 (100c)
Slot: Held
Item Training: Crafting (Uncommon)
Quantity: 10
Type: Crafting
Value (x30) / Rarity (x2): 16Pa
Weight: 0.1 lbs
Durability: Uncommon
Aura: None
Magical Mark: None
Concealment: None
Normal Uses: Crafting Ingredient (Special Recipes)
Special Uses: Prevent escape | Seal negative wounds (in combat)
Limits: Can be removed with magical solvent (uncommon)
Effect: Near Unbreakable Contact (8 Hours - skin) Near permanent on non-living materials.
Critical: (x2 Duration (skin) or heightened bond 91-00)
Description: These two small tubes when combined make a powerful glue that begins to set almost instantly and is fully bonded in one round.
GM Notes: xxxx