Magical Item (Slotless)

Quick Trapquick trap
Efficiency: Uncommon +7 (100c)
Slot: Slotless

Item Training: Yes
Quantity: 1
Type: Magical Trap
Value (x20) / Rarity (x2): 16 Pa

Weight: 15.5 lbs
Durability: Uncommon

Creator: Stonemason (Uncommon)
Aura: Artisan
Magical Mark: by Artist
Concealment: None

Normal Uses: Quick Trap (Normal Damage)
Special Uses:
Limits: +6 or lesser ground only | One trap per 5'


Description: This stone work of art is shaped like a spike and stands 18" tall.
: Driving this stone spike into the ground causes it activate and to pierce the feet of any evil enemy it detects. Alignment concealment or other obscuration can attempt to fool this detection but a roll must be made for contact with each trap.

GM Notes: xxxx