Magical Item (Nonlethal Trap)

Nonlethal Trapnonlethal trap
Efficiency: Uncommon +7 (100c)
Slot: Slotless

Item Training: Yes (Any Trap)
Quantity: 10
Type: Magical Trap
Value (x20) / Rarity (x2): 16 Pa

Weight: 15.5 lbs
Durability: Uncommon

Creator: Tailor (Uncommon)
Aura: Artisan
Magical Mark: by Artist
Concealment: None

Normal Uses: Nonlethal Animal Trap (Normal Damage)
Special Uses:
Limits: One trap per 5' | Animal Max 200 lbs | Random only
Consumed on use |

Description: This kit consists of pullys nets and webs that can be used to trap an animal without harming them..
: This trap can be spotted by intelligent creatures and avoided unless they have no other choice.

GM Notes: xxxx