Magical Item (Worn)

Incendiary: Smoke Bombdisguise kit makeup
Efficiency: Uncommon +8 (100c)
Slot: Held

Item Training: No
Quantity: 4
Type: Crafting (Alchemy)
Value (x60) / Rarity (x2): 24 Pa

Weight: 0.5 lbs
Durability: Fragile

Aura: None
Magical Mark: None
Concealment: None

Normal Uses: Create Obscuring Terrain (Uncommon) +20 cover|+20 stealth
Special Uses: Distraction
Effect: This small item explodes on impact causing a thick fog of gray smoke in a 20' radius. Smoke Duration: One round

Critical: (91-00: x2 duration 30' radius)

Description: This small black hollowed ceramic egg has eastern symbols traced on it. Inside it contains a special mix of powders and glyph-covered paper to ignite the object. Upon use the incendiary is consumed in a brilliant colored flash of strangely coiling smoke.
: Flash powder burns too quickly to cause more than minor burns even in large quantities.

GM Notes
: xxxx