Magical Item (Held)
Twin Journals
Efficiency: Uncommon +8 (100c)
Slot: Held
Item Training: No
Quantity: 2
Type: Magical Item (Uncommon)
Value (x20) / Rarity (x2): 24 Pa
Weight: 1.6 lbs each
Durability: Fragile
Creator: Sage (Uncommon)
Aura: Artisan
Magical Mark: by Artist
Concealment: Uncommon Invisibility and Visibility (at Will)
Normal Uses: Long Distance Written Communication - Each book contains 50 leafs and when each page has sent or received a message that page loses its magical power to communicate.
Special Uses:
Description: These identical paired journals are edged with thick brass and have a cross on each side. Any writing in either book appears exactly as written in the paired book, provided each message starts on a fresh page.
Note: The link covers unlimited distance but may not bridge the gap between planes. The Journal does not translate languages or decipher encryptions in any way.
GM Notes: xxxx