Magical Item (Woodworker's Totem)
Totem of Warding III
Efficiency: Uncommon +8 (100c)
Slot: Held
Item Training: Yes
Quantity: 1
Type: Magical Totem
Value (x20) / Rarity (x2): 24 Pa
Weight: Varies by shield
Durability: Uncommon
Creator: Woodworker (Uncommon)
Aura: Artisan
Magical Mark: by Artist
Concealment: Uncommon Invisibility and Visibility (at Will)
Normal Uses:
Special Uses: Instant: (Charge) Common Ward (+10)
Limits: One use per rest | Max 10 charges
Critical: (81-98) +30 health | (99-00) +90 health
Description: These wooden totems are etched with colorful symbols and wards.
Note: Must be charged by a ritualist.
GM Notes: xxxx