Medieval Item (Drink)
Magical Scent
Efficiency: Uncommon +9 (100c)
Slot: Worn (Slotless)
Item Training: No
Quantity: 10
Type: Consumable Drink
Value (x80) / Rarity (x2): 32Pa
Weight: 0.1 lbs
Durability: Uncommon
Aura: None
Magical Mark: None
Concealment: None
Normal Uses: +20 charm/flatter for 24 hours or until bathed
Special Uses:
Limits: Out of Combat / Will wear off with a bath
Effect: This magical scent can become reminnescent of any type of scent or can inhance your own natural scent. This must be chosen at the time of its use and cannot be changed once decided without removing and reapplying.
Critical: (+10% additional bonuses 91-00)
Description: This very expensive looking gold and crystal bottle has a pump sprayer and is wrapped in a maroon cloth bag.
Note: Additional bonuses may be gained by finding a scent a person finds particularly appealing and direct the scent in that direction.
GM Notes: xxxx