Magical Item (Stonework)

Stone Tigerstone tiger
Efficiency: Uncommon +9 (100c)
Slot: Held

Item Training: No
Quantity: 1
Type: Stonework
Value (x80) / Rarity (x2): 32Pa

Weight: 6.0 lbs
Durability: Uncommon

Creator: Stonemason
Aura: Enchantment
Magical Mark: Tolan's | Chapelin
Concealment: None

Normal Uses: (Instant) Summon Phantom Tiger
Special Uses: On initiative: One 45% attack (single target)
Limits: 200 health | Summon once per rest
Initiative +4 | Upon command it becomes a magical tiger capable of attacking once if it is not destroyed first.
Critical: Critical (75-98) | Perfect (99-00) Knockdown

Description: This small white porcelin charm is shaped like a tiger. When activated it summons a phantom tiger to attack. Once it attacks it then disappears into a puff of smoke.

GM Notes
: xxxx