Medieval Item (Drink)

Rune Dustpotion of quick travel
Efficiency: Uncommon +10 (100c)
Slot: Slotless (Warding Item)

Item Training: Yes
Quantity: 1
Type: Magical component
Value (x100) / Rarity (x2): 4Au

Weight: 0.1 lbs
Durability: Uncommon

Aura: None
Magical Mark: None
Concealment: None

Normal Uses: Magical component.
Special Uses:
Effect: This
dust can be used to create wards and is a needed magical component of such spells.

Description: This very expensive looking blue and silver jar is covered by a stout metal lid. It has a strange glowing dust inside that shimmers with multicolored flecks of light when exposed to the light.
: This item is in high demand by classes that use warding powers.

GM Notes
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