Magical Item (Container)
Mage's Bag
Efficiency: Uncommon +10 (100c)
Slot: Container
Item Training: No
Quantity: 1
Type: Crafting (Tailor)
Value (x80) / Rarity (x2): 4 Au
Weight: 1.0 lbs
Durability: Fragile
Aura: Concealment
Magical Mark: by artisan
Concealment: Uncommon Invisibility and visibility (At will)
Normal Uses: Holds any item under 100 lbs (200 items)
Special Uses:
Description: This medium sized rune covered blue silk bag appears to be nonmagical and hold only 2 lbs of regular items and is perfect for spell components and herbs because of its 40 small inner compartments.
Secret Compartment: It secretly conceals a thin blanket made of white silk with a blue mages rune imprinted on it. It is 12’ x 12’ and covers an item or items to up to 100 pounds and by saying the word Omnia (ancient for weight) it weightlessly absorbs them and can then be magically absorbed back into the bag.
This rugged well stiched toolbag has gems along the handle.
Note: The silk sheet is impossible to find except for by the possessor of the bag regardless of its cargo.
GM Notes: xxxx