Magical Item (Boot Covers)

ancient parchmentAncient Parchment
Efficiency: Normal 03%
Slot: Slotless

Item Training: No
Quantity: 1
Type: Note
Value (x20) / Rarity (x2): None

Weight: 0.01
Durability: Fragile

Creator: Metallurgist
Aura: Artisan
Magical Mark: by Artist
Concealment: Uncommon Invisibility and Visibility (at Will

Normal Uses: Unknown
Special Uses:


Description: This ancient piece of parchemnt comes with a note. Note on Parchment: This old piece of parchment is stamped with the seal of Redcastle which means it was delivered by Military Courier and cleared through the towns intelligence section. It is written is a scrawling hand and reads: Dear (Name blacked out: Dorgan) , Here is the riddle you requested from our library. I hope you find it of use in your performances and it will be the key to unlocking your potential in that regards. I wish I could be there to see the final show. It should be one to remember. I am sure they will all be well received and the looks on their faces when you are the first on the stage will be priceless. I look forward to seeing for myself the fruits of your labors. Please do give our fascinating friends a wide birth but if you do cross paths give them my very best. In the meantime keep your eye on the prize. It is signed with an X. The poem is written in Minos. It reads "I am a lonely wanderer, wounded with iron, I am smitten with war-blades, sated with strife, Worn with the sword-edge; I have seen many battles, Much hazardous fighting, oft without hope, yet always I survive to fight again. Of comforts or help in the carnage of war Ere I perish and fall in the fighting of men. The leavings of hammers, the handiwork of powerful men, Batter and bite me, hard-eged and sharp; The brunt of the battle I am doomed to endure. In all the kingdoms no medicine could I find. Only with water and the purest iron could I heal my wounds; Day and night with the deadly blows I slowly return to myself. Now a veteran of battles long over I sleep behind a postern only opened with a pearl that hovers over black velvet captured in a band of gold, I lie in a crimson grave among a thousand others marked with a simple iron cross waiting to be awoken by the light. Back into the fray I will once again bear the marks of the war-blades as they double and deepen for centuries uncounted.

GM Notes: xxxx