Medieval Fantasy Items (Eternus)

medieval fantasy rpg items Guild Hall: Exterior (Front) This huge two story building is made of red stone and has a signboard out front that reads Redcastle Guild Hall. As the front double doors opens you see a huge area filled with dozens of forges all firing at full force. Next to the door is a wrought-iron sign with a glazier of glass that depicts the tools of the crafting trade. These signs can be found in many old European towns where guild members marked their places of business. Many survived through time or staged a comeback in industrial times. Today they are newly created or even restored, esp. in old town areas.

Inner Features: | Floors: Red Cobblestone | Walls: Red Brick | Lights: Lanterns (magical) |

crafting guild hall anvilInterior (Main): The interior of the guild hall is circular in shape in this area. The large space has stone floors and metal walls with dozens of forges and crafting stations arranged around the outer walls. A dozen assistants circle around the area helping the crafters with their tasks.

Selection (Uncommon): (100% common / 70% uncommon)

(Hibernian Accent: Male) A Deru Elf sits behind a desk near the entrance. He is craving on a piece of wood and he carefully sets it down as you enter. "Well, welcome to ya. Those are not familiar faces I see there. You must be new to the area. I am Trian, Trian Lyons to be exact, assistant to the local guild master (Human of Eternus: Alderman Claudien Gournai - most guild members just call him alderman). How may I be of assistance to ya today?"

(If asked) "Well joining the guild is a worthy goal, but one that requires a little patience I'm afraid. First we need you to assist us in crafting for a few weeks so we can gauge your skills. Then we put you to the test, assisting guild members with the making of items for 100 hours or until you prove your worth to the guild. Don't worry, you get paid a little and earn some crafting experience along the way. Once you are a member you must pay dues (1 au per month) and then you can come in a craft anytime you want, day or night. You will get a merchant's discount on common items and supplies so you can make more profit on the things you craft. Plus you get first crack at rare items at the auction house and a discount on the things you sell there so it's a pretty good deal all in all. On occasion we will need help crafting things in a hurry and we will ask that you help with that if possible when and if it happens and you will get paid double for your time. I am in charge of consignment crafting also if you are interested. We'll I blathered on there fer a while. You probably have some questions don't ya?"

(If asked) Consignment crafting means that you work for the guild as their craftsman for a particular shipment or item. When someone needs something in a hurry then they put in a request which usually ends up here with me and I will choose someone to make the item and pay them the profit. The guild only keeps the extra charge for the rush for themselves. If you are looking to craft and don't have any coin then come in early in the morning or late at night and I will put you on my list for that day's morning or night consignments. The only drawback is that if you happen to make a rare item during a consignment then the guild gets to keep it for no extra payment but that almost never happens anyway so why worry.

Note: In the back of this room is the private area of the guild hall. This area is off limits to non-guild members. Two guards keeps watch over the area.

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