Medieval Fantasy Items (Eternus)

medieval fantasy rpg itemsThe Cage: This place has iron bars on the windows and a large open courtyard with no gate. The building and walls are made out of aged red bricks. The door is made of sturdy iron and has the cage stamped into it in large bold letters, (open)

(Inside) The interiour is lively with the sounds of people talking and a few intoxicated patrons singing. The stone floors here are old but well built with dozens of heavy wooden tables with iron bands around the tops and base. The main room is large (100 x 50) and is lit with the light from a large rustic fireplace and several magical lanterns. There is a huge square bar in the far west corner. (10 x 10) which is manned by 4 men in armor and carrying swords (L:P-3 Level 10). In the far east corner is a small archway that leads to an outdoor area with plants and a few tables.

One of several waitresses comes by and asks you for your drink order. "What will you have. Since I see you don't have your own cups I should tell you that the drink cups are tin and cost 2 sp. They are yours to keep and reuse or you can get your own. Too many people were stealing them so we charge now, I hope that's ok."

medieval fantasy rpg itemsOutside area: As you enter the outside area you hear music coming from two male performers that are standing in the corner. One is playing a gemshorn while another is singing about a noble mission that drew a knight-errant away from his true love and how he had to travel the world to try to get her back from an evil sorcerer.

If asked) The cage is run by A retired military man named Kerrich Tournai but everyone calls him Kelt.

If asked) "The place is called the cage because of back room where cage matches are held on Saturday Nights for coin. If you want to watch you have to join up to fight and then you will be in, yeah?"

Info Gathering (Common): The house beer here is cheap and barely drinkable but it is served cold which is its only saving feature. (Watered down. -2 )

House Specials:

bottles of alcoholHouse Draft: (-2) 3 silver a pitcher. Normal strength. Has copper taste. (6 drinks) On tap only. -4 to hangover.
House Wine: This tart grape wine is bitter but served cold through a beer tap. 3 silver a pitcher. (-4 on hangover. )

Ale: 1 drink per bottle. Served cold.

Blackale Silver: Normal. Average Ale. 2 Silver
Blackale Gold: (+1) This ale is strong and smooth. Has a rich taste.

Wines: 4 glasses per bottle. Served cold.

Redrose (Average) 6 Silver.
Whiterose (Average) 6 Silver.
Horseshoe (Average) Strong x 2. 20 silver. +2 on hangover.
Blue Sky (+1) 3 ruthenium.
Silverwine +2 (Strong) x 2 alcohol. 13 ruthenium a bottle.
Stone Door +2 (Strong) x 2 alcohol. 13 ruthenium a bottle.

(Back room) You enter a private area of the bar in the back. The interior of this massive room is quiet except for the sounds of people talking in low tones and a few men taking prefight bets on the main event. The stone floors here are old but well built with a huge iron cage in the center of the room. The main room is very large (50 x 50) and is lit with the light from firepots on large iron stands that stand in front of large banners picturing men fighting with swords and axes. There is a long rectangular bar in the far north corner. (10 x 10) which is manned by 4 women in armor and carrying swords (L:P-3 Level 10). In the far east corner is a closed iron dorway marked exit.

One of several waitresses comes by and asks you for your drink order. "What will you have? Are you in the fights tonight. Ah they are so exciting. I love them. Well good luck. Hope your fighters win."