Faction of Eternus

faction respect eternusRespect (Faction): Building faction allows you to go from a stranger who is watched with suspicion or ignored to a trusted member of the community. Faction represents how much you are liked and respected by the general populace of an area. As faction grows suspicious looks turn to accepting glances and then warm smiles and welcoming handshakes.

Faction Sealed Areas: Faction can do a lot more than just make you feel good it can get you access to special areas that are off limits to outsiders. These areas often offer special access to items, contacts and other special things only available in that area.

Overview (0-1000+) 10 points per percent

Positive Faction: Liked by a % of the population equal to faction divided by 10. Recognized on sight by ¼ that number. You receive a +1 on relevant influence checks per 20 faction points.

Negative Faction: Disliked by same as above. Receive minuses on influence.

0) Unknown: You are essentially a stranger. A few people look at you with a hint of suspicion and keep their distance. Others just don’t seem to notice you at all.

001-100) Visitor: You very rarely receive a nod from a friendly face. Occasionally someone will look at you suspiciously but most people still just ignore you.

101-200) Welcomed Visitor: You receive an occasional nod from a friendly face. On rare occasion someone looks at you suspiciously. Many people generally accept you.

201-300) Regular: You receive fairly frequent nods from friendly faces. Some others seem to recognize your face and treat you as one of them. Most people accept you. People will generally talk freely around you.

301-400) Welcomed Regular: You receive fairly frequent waves from friendly faces. Most others seem to recognize your face and treat you as one of them. Nearly all of the people accept you as one of them. People will usually talk freely around you.

401-500) Friend: You receive frequent smiles from friendly faces. All of the others seem to recognize your face and treat you as one of them. Most all of them accept you. People will almost always talk freely around you and may rarely tell you secrets they wouldn’t tell others.

501-600) Welcomed Friend: You receive very frequent smiles from friendly faces. All of the others seem to recognize your face and treat you as one of them. Most all of them accept you. You are recognized as a friend to the community by the guards and other officials. People will almost always talk freely around you and may occasionally tell you secrets they wouldn’t tell others.

601-700) Hero: You receive almost constant smiles and bows from large groups of friendly faces. People open doors and offer to buy your meals and drinks. Someone seems to recognize you everywhere you go. Most merchants will offer items at cost if for a good cause. People especially children will follow you in the streets. You are recognized as a friend to the community by the guards and other officials. People will almost always talk freely around you and may tell you secrets they wouldn’t tell others.

701-800) Welcomed Hero: You receive constant smiles and bows from hoard of friendly faces. People open doors and offer to buy your meals and drinks. Officials seek your council and help. The city will offer items at cost on your word. People especially children will follow you in the streets. The shop owners, and most other citizens that are versed in local knowledge recognize you as a friend to the community. People will almost always talk freely around you and may often tell you secrets they wouldn’t tell others.

801-900) Celebrity: You receive constant smiles and bows from hoard of friendly faces. People open doors and offer to buy your meals and drinks. Members of the opposite sex follow you and seek your favor. Officials seek your council and help. The city will offer items at cost or for free on your word. People especially children will follow you in the streets and ask for autographs. Bards will ask for your audience to pen your exploits.

901-950) Welcomed Celebrity: You receive constant smiles and bows from hoard of friendly faces. People everywhere you go open doors and offer to buy your meals and drinks and offer expensive gifts. Members of the opposite sex follow you and desperately seek your favor. Officials seek your council and help and may offer you a place in government or other positions of trust. The city will offer items for free on your word. Large crowds will follow you in the streets and ask for autographs. Bards will travel far and wide for your audience to pen your exploits. You will have little privacy as people clamor for your attention.

951-1000) Worshiped: You create an uproar everywhere you go. You receive constant smiles and bows from hoard of friendly faces. People everywhere you go open doors and offer to buy your meals and drinks and offer expensive gifts. Members of the opposite sex follow you and desperately seek your favor. Officials seek your council and help and may offer you a place in government or other positions of trust. The city will offer items for free on your word. Large crowds will follow you in the streets and ask for autographs. Storytellers will travel far and wide for your audience to pen your exploits. You will have little privacy as people clamor for your attention. People seem unable to control themselves around you and will usually tell you things that they wouldn’t tell anyone else.