Attack Skills (Large Slashing)

slashing weapons largeQuicksilver Strike IV
Style: Physical
Efficiency: Unique
Critical: +15
Attack Bonus: +0
Damage: +10%
Ability Type: Training V Slashing (Large)
Range: Medium (20’)
Sacrifice: No
Duration: Instant
Time: One attack action
Area of Effect: One 5' square
Focus: Elegant Glass Sword of Challenge (Uncommon)
Target: One creature
Resistance: No
Uses: Champion Only
Limits: Attacker must have sufficient room to swing a large weapon and have their hands free.
Bonus: +35 to critical vs class enemies

Effect: Attack (Medium)

Attacks: Class Weapon Large IV - Medium Range (Lethal)
+50/4 - Flashing Blade IV
+25/6 - Cross Sweep IV
+0/12 - Shining Steel IV

Attacks: Class Weapon Large IV - Medium Range (Non-Lethal - Golden Aura)
+50/4 - Golden Blade Strike IV
+25/6 - Golden Spiral IV
+0/12 - Shards of the Golden Blade IV